you need to watch Newsmax, they just had a great discussion on these stupid mask mandates, they have had numerous people on decrying the ignorance of the gvmnt and school officials ... they have been sounding the alarm for quite some time on their news programs ... get away from CNN/MSNBC and the rest of the alphabet stations, they are beholden to BIG pharma and this administration and the school unions .... Directv 349 is the channel, not sure about xFinity ....
I'd like to dabble at getting into crack, I'm glad the government can provide me a safe path forward. However, I'm a little pissed I cant get any ivermectin. Who woulda thunk...
Your over thinking this By stepping on Fauxi' s head as you go for your dog your actually saving Fauxi, from himself. You just need to make sure you hold him down long enough for his own good....
I 100 percent agree with you Justin but man it's a little on the nose that he does anything that brings up Hunters crack adventures. In Venatione Veritas
Newsmax is just a right-wing MSNBC. I try to avoid watching any news if I can. In this particular case, I went looking for news reports on specific happenings, but couldn't find them anywhere.
I don't even know where you can go to get actual news anymore. Fletch's thread seems to be the most trustworthy source anymore Facebook is going batchit crazy with their propaganda initiative. Mention vaccine or Covid and a small box appears below it to direct you to need to know information, now when you mention temperature or other weather keywords a similar box pops up to take you to a climate change for your area. Billionaires control the government and media, sadly most of them are hard left zealots that will donate billions to take more from us commoners and bring the country down while eating caviar and drinking Dom Perignon on their private jets and yachts.
see, THAT is your problem right there, you are not informed .... I no longer watch Fox, but I do visit their news site daily, among many others, plus some great blogs and informative sites .... Newsmax will have truthful news and interviews that you will never see on the fake news outlets ..... NewsMax has both sides on when they have guests, and libs usually show their stupidity as they speak and make fools of themselves (when do they not)... they just had a segment about Beto and his flip flopping over firearms and the 2A down in Texas... the lib guest really showed his ignorance on firearms and stuck with the normal talking points of the left, the pro 2A guest destroyed this dope ... stay informed and you can make informed decisions .... just what info were you looking for ??
No doubt! When there's something I really want to invest in, I'll read through multiple sources on various platforms leaning in various directions, try to establish a baseline of facts (if possible), and then form my own opinion. It's exhausting, takes a lot of time, and isn't something that you can do a lot of. It's no surprise most people read the headline and move on. The FB algo is out of control. I have about 3,500 "friends" on FB. If I post something hunting or friend/family related, I'm guaranteed a few hundred interactions of some sort. Whether they are likes, comments, shares, etc. Post anything related to C19, masks, etc. even if it's nothing more than a link to an article, and my reach is like 10 people. Insanity.
I never said I won't use Newsmax to learn about things or find information, but I'm not foolish enough to believe they are true unbiased news facts. Newsmax leans hard right - this is no secret.
Actually, I have test kits already. The MIL sent us her four since she is vaxxed and protected while we are not. Never mind the fact that we all had it already and only my wife was symptomatic.
Sue them under the ADA. To discriminate against a person for a disability, or a perceived disability, is a violation of your civil rights under the ADA. I have not yet been given a directive but as soon as I do (and I will) I am filing. Get in writing that their policy is non-jabbed have to submit to testing but jabbed do not. Just as a matter of fact and policy (you don't need them to weigh in with their opinions; just that they are implementing two-tiered policy with disparate impact on the non-jabbed.)
I feel we should correct the record here as to what's going on in IL. The judge only ruled that Prickster The Hutt's executive order mandating masks in school was illegal and was struck down. The judge left to each school district as to whether to make masks mandatory or optional. So it's not as if these schools are 'disobeying' a judicial order. My apologies for spreading misinformation. Prickster did file an appeal of the judge's ruling as he wants the school mandates to continue after March 1, despite dropping the rest of the indoor mandates after that date. I am guessing that's at the behest of the teacher's unions.
An official policy has not been declared, just the fact that I acknowledged to consenting to it. Without knowing the specifics. Cause details don't matter
It's okay, and you're correct. However, legal precedent has now been set. If JB's mandate violates due process, so will any mandate enacted by school districts on their own. Many of them elected to drop them for fear of lawsuits that are sure to come, and because they decided that violating people's legal rights in the name of "safety" wasn't the right thing to do. Imagine that. Others have doubled down and called everyone's bluff. Essentially daring the parents to sue them for the same thing they already sued the State for. I'm sure the unions are only a part of why he's doing this. What I can't wrap my mind around is the inconsistencies in the name of keeping people "safe". All of our school-aged children are eligible to be vaccinated now if their parents so choose. They are also allowed to wear masks if they want (oddly enough, it used to be against the rules to wear a mask at school - even during the Halloween custom parade). So what, praytell, are we keeping our kids safe from? They are statistically far less likely to be sick or die from Covid. Yet we are going to allow adults, who are far more likely to get sick or die, to congregate, without masks, en masse, whenever and wherever they want. People at high risk - do whatever the hell you want without a mask. Children at extremely low risk - put a mask on! The irony and hypocrisy know no limits.
while I am correcting records... The Washington Free Beacon was directly and on the record told by a HHS spokesman specifically that the kits they were going to distribute included glass pipes to facilitate the 'safer smoking' of illicit substances to include but 'not limited to those substances' (meth and crack.) Despite the denials and walk back by the *dministration, The Washington Free Beacon is standing by their reporting. So while the spokesdouche may have been WRONG, the reporting was not fake news. (And I don't believe Them for one second; and the only reason they pulled this idea was due to the right wing media backlash.) Brent Scher on Twitter: "Last week our reporter @PatrickHauf reached out to HHS about its plan to fund "smoking kits," and the spokesman both confirmed and defended them as effective at stopping spread of disease." / Twitter
Can the mandates not be implemented by referendum? Or not because they are public schools and must be open to all kids in the respective district? I'm not as read in on state procedural law as I am federal.
Very proud of our school board leader. Liberal yet just supported a resolution to strike down the vaccination mandate or weekly testing for employees. It will go to vote soon. At least someone is showing a spine.