I would choose the beagle over most people, not saying I would't try to help another person but the beagle would be first.
What's happening in our local area with school masking may just be the most bizarre thing I've ever witnessed in my life. I honestly have a difficult time wrapping my mind around all of this. - Approximately 140 school districts were named in the lawsuit against the state, citing violation of due process rights. - At this time, more than 150 districts have now gone mask-optional. Including many not included in the original lawsuit. Much to the dismay of JB and his posse. - Many districts in the more affluent (read: left-leaning/woke) areas of the state continue to defy the ruling and require masks. Including the district where my kids go to school. 4 of 5 surrounding districts all went mask-opitonal. We have not. - Our district is very large and spans a wide range of socio-economic areas. From public housing to million-dollar estates, we have it all. As you can imagine, our board members tend to be made up of affluent, left-leaning douchebags. - There have been many protests and student walk-outs taking place every day this week. Hundred of kids walking out or not going to school. There has been ZERO news coverage of this, outside of our small local sources. Not a single major news outlet in Chicago has covered any of this. Nor have they covered the large number of schools that have gone mask optional. All we get are sound bytes of JB talking about how he's going to free us from our masks by the end of the month (except the kids in schools and criminals in jail). We're talking about hundreds of students and parents protesting outside of schools. Some districts have had to shut down entirely over this. Some have reversed their position on masks after the protests and walkouts. And NOTHING on the news. Not a peep. I shouldn't be surprised, as we all know the media are in bed with the government at the highest levels, but I've always held some small shred of hope that it wasn't as bad as it appears to be.
Odd if I had the choice to jump in and save my favorite dog but I also had to save Fauxi I would shed a tear as I said good bye to my dog In Venatione Veritas
If they immediately give up and admit the cloth masks are and have always been bs, then this can be used against them politically with greater strength. If they push back then their constituents will continue to believe the lies.
I don't mean anyone weighing in on mask effectiveness. I wouldn't expect news outlets to provide an opinion on that. I'm simply talking about covering what, to many people, is a major news event in the Chicagoland area. They are acting as if it's not happening. Presumably to not empower others to join the growing movement and walk out of schools or protest masks mandates. The conspiracy theorist in me says the government has asked (told) the news outlets not to cover this and hopefully it will all go away. You can bet your last dollar if a group of teachers walked out of school and started protesting for some reason, you'd have every news crew in the area there. But a group of students and parents do it, and it gets ignored.
Just got word, vaccine exemption approved. However, in accepting the exemption, I am agreeing to submit to testing per CDC requirements. Not sure what that means. Guess I need to do some research.
Yet we continue with allowing the executive branch and bureaucrats to make law.... Literally make enforceable law under "emergency" powers that extend years. Brothers that is downright scary.
If you order before noon just pay handling and the gov't will send you a biden crack pipe free of charge.
This is where our friends in the media suck on both sides. A very small part of a relatively small grant (by govt standards) mentioned "safe smoking kits" as items that were part of a program to distribute supplies to drug addicts to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Right-leaning media transferred that into "Biden is sending crack pipes to everyone!" and then the political talking heads took to Twitter to spread the narrative. Which was then repeated in various forms all through social media. If we're going to be critical of the media, we have to do it not only when it's convenient to make the points we agree with.
I would suggest submitting a stool sample on the big bosses desk on the way out. Might as well be a flaming bag too.