I have got it twice. This time was much worse than the first (which seems backwards from what everyone is spewing in the media).
you are the first person I have heard experiencing a worse case the second time. Not just here; I know dozens of people who have had it 2x now. Makes me wonder if you were a false positive the first time. Did you lose taste/smell the first time? if not, you more likely were a false positive.
I think there are less than 5 on here who have confirmed 2x. Not sure where we are anymore in the Golden Corral Sweepstakes. Think less than 5 also.
First time was relatively close to it being discovered. Taste/smell gone and very mild symptoms for half a day.
interesting. Everyone is different. At that time, had you recently had a different viral infection? Cold or flu in the previous 2-3 months? Or a flu shot?
what's long-term prognosis for Mrs. Germ? and if you and Sota are last men standing, I want to see a candlelit dinner for 2 at the Corral...
Same! But, if I did have it - I am thinking it was February of 2020. I went to the PA Outdoor Expo and got so sick by the last day I couldn't breathe, coughing up a lung and was in an out of my doctor three times in that week. They said it was pneumonia and a sinus infection.
She will be out of work another month, after talking with the heart Doc they are now thinking she did have Covid and it has messed with her heart. The last 5 days she's been herself again, she's no longer coughing, hacking up sludge, and can do tasks around the house. She's still on a beta blocker and they want to get her off of it. She has a test on her heart on the 10th. Will find out more then.
My son may have it a second time. However, he tested negative on Monday, tested negative for flu and strep on Tuesday. The pediatrican told us to keep him home from school and test him again Thursday or Friday if he is not feeling better. Not sure what another test is going to do other than excuse me from work if positive.
I've had it twice, just had it the 2nd time last week. First time was far and away worse than the 2nd time for me. 1st was like full blown flu, plus the loss of taste/smell, 2nd time was like a mild cold. I know of 3 at work that have had it twice. Two of them the 1st time was the worst, but the third had worse symptoms his 2nd time. His 1st time his only symptom was basically losing taste/smell and a mild fever for a couple days. 2nd time he didn't lose taste/smell, but had flu like symptoms for a solid 5 days and was pretty puny for another 5 before feeling back to normal.
Yeah Remdesivir was the go to early on also... To bad it destroys some of your organs. I've got no problem with the studies... Everybody wants that silver bullet to try to return to (toward) normalcy... But I put the studies in the same bucket as the tests...interesting, but likely to change outcome.