This stuff is no joke. I haven’t been this sick in a long long time. 0 sleep because of the constant headache, body aches, and severe chills. Temperature hasn’t gone below 100 in 6 hours. Cough, congestion, mucus, and phlegm doesn’t help either. Chugging water and eating my vitamins in the hope it’s a bit better today/tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hhmmm Now what made me think that was going to be your response. ...Hubby's blood type as well though his rh factor may be +. I know he's a universal donor.
zinc, zinc, and more zinc. also, if you are so inclined - Find A Doctor | Early COVID Care Experts doctors dont fear covid
Hope I don't get it. Zinc will be no help as anything higher dosage that a multi vitamin gives me severe gut pain and head ache.
My whole family just had covid. Second time for me now. When I had the Delta version, wife and son never had a single symptom. Last Sunday my 7 year old (not vax'd) woke up with symptoms. Queasy stomach to the point of throwing up, low fever, croup cough (think that was unrelated, he gets croup quite often), headache, runny nose. Wife gave him a test. He did not like the nose swab so her sample wasn't near the 15 seconds in each nostril it's supposed to be. Test came back with a very, very faint line on the positive section. Not being real trusting of that, I used a 2nd test and made sure I got a decent nose swab. Very visible line for positive with the 2nd test. He quit throwing up by the second day, fever gone, still had a runny nose and headache. By third day you couldn't tell he'd ever been sick. Wife got symptoms Monday. Both of us got the jab in September, so "fully vax'd" status the first week of October. She also was throwing up the first day, fever for 3 days, really bad cough, body aches, fatigue. Her cough was so bad she'd gag herself. She went to the Dr. Tuesday for cough medicine, they tested her there and it came back positive. It hit her the hardest, she really didn't start feeling better until Sunday. Still has lingering cough but it is a productive cough now. She is O- blood type by the way. I thought I was going to avoid it, but Wednesday it was my turn. Really low fever that only lasted about 4 hours, cough, sore throat, fatigue. If I didn't know it was covid I'd have gone to work, it was very mild for me. By Friday I only had the cough, although back to work this week I am a bit puny, get winded easier than normal. Still a lingering cough, but test shows I'm negative. Way more mild this time around in comparison to the Delta version. Hmmmm surprised? I'm not In Venatione Veritas
I hope liberals are embarrassed, they have been mocking horse paste for a while. Say you are sorry to Joe Rogan too.
Reagan was right about our run away freight train of government. Once you give in and grow the government, it is 50 times as hard to remove.
I’m as eager as the next person to hear some good news about emerging weapons against Covid but they didn’t provide any new information. Show me a good study. It’s hard to get excited about something a Japanese pharmaceutical company said about drug in a non clinical trial. The Oxford study when completed may contain some useful information until then keep your confirmation bias in check and approach all information with the same degree of skepticism.
Let's be fair here - this is a VERY top-level statement with zero clinical trials or real proof to back anything up. If you go on to read beyond the first paragraph the article quickly devolves into talking about "vaccine skeptic" Joe Rogan and other filler text. There is a single citation to the study that doesn't provide much in the way of clear data or results. While many would love to see a positive outcome of the many Ivermectin trails taking place, this is far from an "I told you so" moment.
Does the covid test specifically test for covid or do the results also include those with the reg flu? Trying to see if that is fake news to go along with our increasingly fake and lying population of citizens.