Guy at work got bit by the covid, I will be honest I was worried, he is older than me, obese with that comes high BP, diabetes heart stress. I asked how it went, he worked on his basement remodeling only 1 night he did not work on it because he didn't feel well. I was happy to hear that for him.
Anyone else find this world strange in the fact that some microscopic virus is hunting and killing us. Serious question. God why is this even a thing?
It is like somebody engineered a virus and enhanced it. Then somebody did something? I mean I seriously doubt China would be behind it, not like them to want to come up with a virus that would weaken their enemies.
I'd find a new doctor then. You will end up with Covid regardless of jab status, and if he doesn't know that yet he's too stupid to practice medicine.
You know what was the precursor to this whole seizure of liberty that is covid? When they took our 100 watt bulbs away and we did not tell them to go F themselves. Do you how many back yard hen houses burn down because of heat lamps? a 100 watt bulb was much safer and worked very well and didn't start fires.
I always felt like it started when left-turn arrows started popping up at intersections. When the government told us we're no longer fit to decide when it's safe to make a turn on our own is when things went to hell in a handbasket.
So sorry of your loss. I'm glad you were able to spend time with her in the end. Please don't play the "woulda, coulda, shoulda"game in your head. It will drive you crazy and accomplishes nothing. Life is so random at times. Same circumstances different out comes. Hold close every great memory made with her