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Who here gets the virus first?

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Sota, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    A friend of mine, who is literally the best and most moral man I know; unintentionally gave me the best professional advice I have ever received-

    "Never apologize for doing your job. Ever."
    oldnotdead, PinkPony, Sota and 2 others like this.
  2. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    I texted him tonight to remind him of this (which happened over 16 years ago), and while I won't detail everything he texted back, suffice to say he was honored that I remembered that.

    Reminds me of another maxim I live by and recently quoted-

    "There's no stopping a man who knows he's in the right and keeps a-coming."​

    from 'Sackett'
    by Louis L'Amour​
    cantexian, virginiashadow and TJF like this.
  3. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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  4. MGH_PA

    MGH_PA Moderator

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Cogan Station, PA
    Sorry for your loss, TJF. Never easy regardless of the cirucmstance.
  5. PinkPony

    PinkPony Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 4, 2014
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    Had a nursing facility call requesting proof of vaccination for employees. I'm like,nope, that's a major hipaa violation.

    I'm over this all.

    Thankfully my cold or whatever is 95% gone.
  6. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
  7. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Still do not have covid.
    picman, dnoodles and Germ like this.
  8. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
    Denial is a symptom.....
  9. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Sota in reality as he types the above. Still dont have covid...

  10. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    We have no employees in production today in the pump department, we no employees in shipping we are down 3 people in the office and 3 out in engineering. On the plus side we will be back to full strength next week
  11. GregH

    GregH Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    My wife seems to have caught covid. She took a test given to her by her work which came back positive. She has a flu like symptoms and a slight loss of taste. She is quarantining herself in the apartment we have at the bar while I stay at home with the animals. I was with her up until she tested positive and have no symptoms so far.
    oldnotdead, TJF and Sota like this.
  12. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Dang man. Start pounding vitamins and minerals and hydrate.
    oldnotdead likes this.
  13. wl704

    wl704 Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 25, 2012
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    greater-Charlotte NC
  14. 0317

    0317 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Vax/Plandemic LIEs vs the actual truths .... buckle your seat belts, its gonna be a bumpy ride for the vax nannies .... safe/efective ?? [​IMG] [​IMG]

    *1) The vaccines are 95% effective at preventing infection ? ..... Breakthrough infections everywhere.

    *2) The vaccinated can’t spread COVID (“Get vaccinated to protect grandma”) ? The vaxxed are as infectious as the naive unvaccinated and significantly more infectious than recovered unvaccinated. The vaxxed can become superspreaders like Typhoid Mary, because they are equally or more infectious, but with suppressed symptoms.

    *3) After getting fully vaccinated, you’ll be done for good ? Boosters are required, because the vaccine provides some protection for only a few months and only against a specific variant. Anyone who doesn’t get the booster will be considered unvaccinated after 6 months.

    *4) One booster is adequate ? Fourth shot required. Anyone who doesn’t get the booster will be considered unvaccinated after 6 months. (Time to be reduced to 4 and then 3 months soon.)

    *5) The vaccines are safe ? Vaccines cause serious adverse events and deaths.
    Vaccine adverse events and fatalities are rare ? Publicized vaccine adverse events and fatalities are highly suppressed and the tip of the iceberg. The are at least 20 times more ACTUAL adverse events than REPORTED adverse events in the public databases (VAERS, EudraVigilance, etc).

    6) There will be no COVID internment camps ? In Australia and Canada people are now forced into concentration/interment camps (euphemism: quarantine facilities) at their own expense.

    7)We are all in this together ? We must punish, exclude and banish the unvaccinated. Two class society with the clean/superior (vaxxed) on the one hand and the unclean/inferior (unvaxxed) on the other. People who refuse the experimental genetic Kool-Aid injection are fired, not allowed to get schooling, can’t get health care and insurance, face huge fines, etc. People who initially (reluctantly) accepted the injections but won’t accept the booster, degrade to the unclean/inferior class.

    *8)The vaccinated won’t have to wear facemasks ? Vaccinated have to wear facemasks again.

    *9)Vaccination will prevent severe COVID ? The vaxxed have at best a slightly lower risk of getting hospitalized and dying of COVID, and also have “inexplicable” health issues.

    *10)There will be no vaccine passports ? Vaccine passports required for everyday activities.

    *11)Omicron is highly dangerous because it is highly transmissible ? Omicron is Mother Nature’s perfect vaccine/booster, because it is highly transmissible while being low risk (low virulence, about equal to the common cold). It is both significantly lower risk and higher efficacy and durability than the jabs.

    *12)The injection stays in the shoulder ? The injection spreads everywhere in the body, including the ovaries.

    13)There is a deadly pandemic ? There is a severe flu epidemic with the infection fatality and morbidity rate about 2 to 3 times that of an average flu season. Young healthy people are at no significant risk.

    14)COVID is a severe risk to children ? No it isnt, The vaccines are a severe risk to children.

    15)No safety steps were skipped in the research phase of the vaccines ? Countless safety steps were skipped, such as research on biodistribution (how the product spreads in your body), auto-immune disease, cancer, genotoxicity (whether the product harms your genes), reproductive toxicity (fertility), shedding, et cetera.

    16)We must eradicate this virus ? Mutating viruses can never be eradicated, just like you can’t eradicate the flu and you can’t stop the earth from spinning or the wind from blowing.

    17)We must stop the spread ? We must let the low risk group get infected so that they develop natural immunity, while at the same time providing voluntary focused protection to the high risk group.

    *18)There are no safe and effective treatments available ? There are countless safe and effective early, medium and late treatments available, such as hydroxychloroquine/quercetin/EGCG with zinc, ivermectin, fluvoxamine, cyproheptadine, famotidine (Pepcid), colchicine, inhaled budesonide, adequate dose vitamins A through E, NAC, aspirin and other blood thinners, upper airway hygiene (nasal rinse, mouth wash, gargling with safe antiseptic fluid), et cetera, et cetera.

    19)Vitamin D (and other vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids) is for quacks ? Adequate vitamin D blood levels (> 50 ng/ml) are absolutely crucial for immune function.

    20)Lockdowns, facemasks, mass testing and tracing are effective and essential ? Lockdowns, face masks, mass testing and tracing are useless and extremely harmful.

    *21)Face masks are meant to keep you safe ? Face masks are used for compliance training, to continually remind you of ‘risk’ and to make you afraid of your fellow humans.

    22)Lockdowns stop the spread ? Lockdowns inhibit social contact (which is essential for human wellbeing), keep you in fear, lessen exercise, inhibit vitamin D generation because you spend more time inside instead of in the sun (all of which suppresses immune function). Lockdowns also increase the share of your attention spent on main stream and social media, which allows better fear mongering and propaganda and less exposure to ‘Thought Crimes’. Lockdowns are also used to make vaccination seem more attractive: “If you all get vaxxed (carrot), we can end this lockdown (stick) which nobody wants”.

    23)The unvaxxed are variant factories who breed escape mutants that place the vaccinated in danger ? Mass vaccination with a leaky narrow vaccine and a mutating pathogen under high immune pressure causes vaccine resistance, just like overuse of antibiotics causes antibiotic resistance.

    *24)The vaxxed become ill due to the unvaxxed ? The vaxxed become ill because they are immune suppressed and the vaccines are ineffective.

    24.5)Natural immunity doesn’t exist ? Natural immunity is the most effective type of immunity that provides robust lifelong protection as long as your immune system is in a good state (immune competent).

    25)The unvaxxed are the highest risk to themselves and others ? The immune suppressed (such as the obese, people with auto-immune disease, cancer, transplant) are the highest risk to themselves and others.

    26)The unvaxxed are the problem ? Leaders, politicians and media are the problem This is about a virus ? This is about money, power and ideologies

    27)The health authorities’ only goal is optimal public health ? The ‘health’ authorities are captured by pharma and other interests. Their goal is maximal vaccine uptake and use of highly profitable drugs, which means fear mongering and suppression of unprofitable drugs and non-pharmaceutical interventions.

    28)The virus is the biggest threat ? Tyranny is the biggest threat.
    If we comply, the draconian measures will go away ? As long as we comply, the measures will only get worse. Civil disobedience is the key against tyranny.

    29)Politicians and companies are working for our benefit ? Politicians and companies are working for their own benefit.

    29.5)Fauci and other experts represent ‘the science’ ? Fauci and others are a bunch of lying and manipulating bureaucrats (to put it mildly).

    30)We should listen to and obey doctors, because they have the best available knowledge ? Most doctors don’t think independently, are mere protocol followers, are controlled by biases, have unassailable unjustified trust in CDC, FDA and other authorities.

    31)Doctors behave according to the Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm ? First follow the protocol, first go with the flow, first keep your head down.

    32)All conspiracy thinkers / anti-vaxxers are a bunch of crazy people ? Conspiracy thinkers / anti-vaxxers were right all along.

    33)We must trust ‘the science’ ? The essence of science is to question the science (antithesis).

    34)We must suppress dissenting opinions ? We must encourage dissenting opinions.

    35)The media are there to inform the population honestly and completely, and keep politicians ‘honest’ ? The media are there to spread fear, to please their advertisers and sponsors, and are a crucial propaganda tool.

    36)We must suppress misinformation ? ‘Misinformation’ is the term used for anything that goes against dogma and is undesirable to the vested interests. Censorship of dissenting opinions kills. The worst misinformation is coming from the authorities (official misinformation).

    37)Science is about the search for the Truth ? The SCIENTIFIC METHOD is about the search for the Truth without biases and rigidity. ACTUAL Science is like a cult, full of dogmas and egos, and intolerant of any dissenting opinions.

    38)Science is about public welfare ? ‘Science’ is a marketing tool.

    39)We must wait for perfect evidence (which means huge randomized controlled trials) ? We must do the best with all the kinds of evidence and tools at our disposal right now.

    40)Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the Gold Standard of science ? RCTs are better called Results Controlled Trials. They start with a desired outcome (e.g. highly profitable drug is safe and effective), and through design, manipulation, fraud, etc., this outcome tends to magically appear as a result.

    41)Vaccine passports keep us safe ? Vaccine passports are a gateway drug to a social credit system.

    42)Our leaders are trying to get us out of this crisis as fast as possible ? This crisis has been manufactured (e.g. by suppressing early treatment and the sharing of essential information) and is being prolonged, so politicians can push through their desired agendas while the public is distracted and compliant due to fear, which makes them meek and inhibits critical independent thinking .........
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
    oldnotdead and Fix like this.
  15. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    all the best.
    Sounds like she more than likely has delta or at least not Omi.
    Get her a pulse oximeter. If she gets to low 90s be very careful.

    I quarantined from my wife from the moment she started having symptoms, which came on all at once overnight. She tested positive the next day.
    I came down with it about 48 hours after her. So that means either we both were exposed by the same source at the same time and it just took me longer to exhibit symptoms (unlikely due to our schedule that week); or she gave it to me at least a full day before she had symptoms.
  16. PinkPony

    PinkPony Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 4, 2014
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    Just plugging along, another day in 2022.

    Fighting nursing facilities at the moment over vaccines. We are not contracted by them, therefore we should not have to be vaccinated.
  17. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Had my yearly health check this morning when it came to the point about the booster shot. I explained my reasons for not based on my wife's reaction and mine, Doctor said well it looks like you will end up with covid, I said well what is the point of the booster then? He then offered the flu shot and the shingles vaccine nope none of that either.
    oldnotdead and 0317 like this.
  18. cantexian

    cantexian Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Just saw an email that went out Friday afternoon after I left. The med school I work at is going to enforce mandatory vaccination after the SC ruling a couple of weeks ago. So now I have to figure if the exemption paperwork I submitted back in November is still good, or, if I have to do it again.

    My wife started looking for jobs and has a couple of applications out. We are still preparing for me to walk if it comes to it. FJB.
    dnoodles likes this.
  19. Fix

    Fix Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Western NY
    Mindless big pharm Whores.... Sad really
    In Venatione Veritas
  20. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    He did ask me how I lost the 15 pounds I gained, told him I quit eating like a fat guy. I was tempted to say I cut out my evening meal and just drink my dinner.
    oldnotdead and picman like this.

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