Numbers and stats are finicky things. And nothing has illustrated our confirmation biases, and just how strong they are, as this pandemic has. We see what we want to see and what confirms what we believe, and stop there. Does natural immunity from prior infection seem to be better than vaccinated immunity? YES. The caveat here is how many unvaccinated people have passed away from Covid infection versus how many have passed away from Covid after being vaccinated. Those numbers very clearly indicate that being vaccinated provides a better outcome. So these reports that everyone is holding up about natural immunity as a justification for never being vaccinated don't hold water. Simply put, there is a substantially higher risk of hospitalization and death if you are unvaxxed than if you are vaxxed. That hasn't changed. What these studies do appear to show is that if you got Covid and survived, there is little justification for then getting vaccinated later on. We should absolutely be taking previous infection and natural immunity into account when forcing vaccination on people who, quite simply, don't need it.
I'm in the exact same boat as you. Got it around the same time but I was sick for maybe half of a day with a slight headache. Lost my taste/smell for 2 weeks and that was that. I have traveled quite a bit and have continued to live just like I always did pre covid (except when everything was truly locked down). My girlfriend has been sick for a week with a bad cough/phlegm/fatigue. She got tested and was negative. I'm still going strong.
This article is basing it off of the newest strain. Which, I feel it's very accurate. I know far more vaccinated people who have gotten it - then non. That being said, I know two people who have COVID currently, both double vaccinated and boostered. He's in the hospital and needing heart surgery and the wife was released after three days. Not sure what strain they have/had - as we don't get told that. He is one of our council members.
This is what happens when I don't drink the night before. My brain short circuits. I knew that. I'm retarded.
Oldest son is positive but feeling pretty good. Youngest came home today with low grade fever and congestion. We're just assuming he's positive. My test is negative so far (same kind my wife took from the department of health).
never was worried about the CCP virus(s), still not worried about the CCP virus(s) ..... its about over anyways .... many unjabbed got C19 and recovered/not hospitalized? How many tens of millions got it and never had symptoms or were never tested? Considering the virus was going around for over a year before the jabs, guessing it's at least as many as were jabbed, got it, and recovered. Let's be honest, the first year the virus shredded the nursing homes. The most vulnerable people in a captive and very high amount of people per square foot. Most authorities got caught learned their lesson and stopped shipping the sick into nursing homes after the first year. There's really no way to prove one way or the other how many might have lived had they been jabbed. The authorities created a literal human petri dish for the virus to do its thing that first year.
Just for fun, I'm going back to and reading the beginning of this thread, so some of y'all are going to get some belated thumbs up or in this case a reply... cls posted this one on 03/17/20. Hah! ...'not like we have a supply problem'. Ah, stocked shelves. Those were the days.
Still negative as far as know. This last week we had 3 or 4 ppl get it at work from one shift but I'm not really around then much and at least 2 ppl got it from so's at home and had to skip work before they actually got sick themselves. I'm pretty conviced in order for me to get it someone that has it is gonna haveta spit in my mouth. My day to day doesn't really get me in contact with anyone. Not around hardly anyone at work and when go out to store or whatever don't hang around ususal in and out. And that's maybe one day week tops. Today was first time ventured into store of any kind in week and half With that being said I'll probably get it now that said all that ha. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
All I can say is now even other country's are looking at our hospital #'s sideways. Especially learning that we are basically the only country incentivising hospitalization. This when all other country's hospitalization rates are dropping and ours are still heading up. Just like we are basically the only country pushing shots over preventative therapeutics and therapeutics post positive. Willing to spend millions on masks that do little ,because few know HOW to wear them...but not spending same money to get actual working remedies out there that could actually help. Just keep following the cash. a country of people actually paying their government to sell them out for elite profits.
I agree with your first and last paragraph, but many EU countries are still full on maks, jabs, and booster requirements. No mention of therapeutics.
just heard the tail end on the radio, but they reported that "40% of C19 deaths were jab 'breakthroughs'." Unfortunately I did not hear where or over what time frame. I'll post once I find it. It was a segment w/ Dr. Lucy McBride, who is a nationally-known internist and regular columnist at the Atlantic.