sub acute means treatable (at least for now) with antibiotics. If you got antibiotics (esp doxycycline) or even azithromycin/Z-packs, you are ahead of the game then against the virus, start megadosing with zinc, C, D3, B12, and you will be well-armed. Of course I also highly attest to the effectiveness of Ivy and even HCQ but those are hard to get unless you want to go the extra mile to find a like-minded physician/pharmacist; and drop serious cash. Hopefully wife and kid are OK. And you, since you will probably get it. subacute is treatable and even sometimes resolves on its own. '
I'm one of the rare ones with a mild case. Pain started about 10+ days ago. Dull ache. Doctor ordered a CT scan, but my insurance drug their feet. Pain never got worse and was actually just an annoyance but most of the time it was gone. Had my scan yesterday, and they said it is mildly inflamed. Started on heavy antibiotics. Going to see the surgeon today.
There is a 30% failure within the first year of appendicitis being treated with Antibiotics alone. I'm still going to opt for the surgery. I don't need that bad boy bursting when I'm 20ft up in a tree someday.
Your all in my prayers. Please make sure if your going to hospital you have a great advocate at your side. Get that zinc and D in your wife,check with doc. for you.
copy, wasn't sure they even offered the surgical option to you. I thought I had it a few years ago and they sent me home with antibiotics; didn't even offer surgery. Lucky for me? b/c it wasn't even appendix, it was a kidney stone. ...yet another time a GP has utterly failed me.
Watch Dr. Campbell...things are Starting to unravel. He goes through freedom of UK information documents on reported deaths to real Covid deaths from March 2020 to Jan. 2022. Numbers way lower.......
I put turmeric on my food daily and also nutritional yeast. If you ingest that with ground pepper it actually increases turmeric benefits greatly.
if you really want it cut out, I would suggest it starts hurting more. If you are 'electing' to get the surgery, and you test positive, they probably won't do elective surgery. As I have said, I had to have caught it from my wife 2-3 days before she was symptomatic. Pretty good chance you already have it and are asymptomatic.
interesting...I try to avoid pepper b/c of carnivore. Pepper(s) are a big no-no due to inflammation causing agents. But tumeric is a big time anti-inflammatory.
The table spice pepper is unrelated to the garden pepper, which like many of our favorites tomatoes and eggplant are from the nightshade family.
BTW.. you should read up on the spice peppercorn " pepper the UNtold truth" and the nutritional break down of peppercorn. Lots of interesting info.
Mine burst after wrestling one day in my 20s. day I was in surgery. Doctor said it went great and while he was in there he helped me out by fixing an umbilical hernia. Haha Surprise! Natural immunity for the win.
Had my appendix out in high school, '75 ..... was out walking the creek jump shooting ducks, when it hit .. extreme pain lower right side ... walked 3 miles home, parents took me to the doc the next day, then straight to the hospital, missed school and opening day trapping season, couldnt set traps .. I was super bummed