unfortunately can't post/embed GETTR links directly dc_draino on GETTR https://gettr.com/post/poogdh66d0
Lol...every time I put on a mask a dry cough starts....half the grocery store was shooting me with those expressions last week.
Speaking of, was grabbing some things at my local grocery today for the football game. Americas back baby! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Dang! ....that's one nasty looking cooler. Maybe with It being bare theyll get around to maintenance.
Anyone eating meat outta that thing has a 100% chance of beating The Rona. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Licking the bottom of the meat case gives you better immunity than the vaccines from what I hear Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
3 new positive cases at work today. We have around 85 employees. One of them has not ever had a vax shot. He got covid about 15 months ago, test confirmed, his only symptom was losing taste and smell. This weekend he started feeling cruddy, don't know the exact symptoms, but he took a test and it came back positive. So, 2nd time for him. The other two are brothers. One of them just retired from 20 years in the military, so he moved back and is living with his brother until he finds a house to buy. Both are vax'd and booster'd (don't know how long ago). One started feeling sick, so took a test and it came back positive. The other one decided to get tested since his brother has it, he has no symptoms of any kind, his test also came back positive. About 60% of employees have had covid now. Two have had it twice.
out of curiosity, has anyone ever heard of a C19 re-infection case that was worse than the first time? I have never heard of one. Again, just wondering. Especially asking @Westfinger @PinkPony @cantexian @wl704 (believe you said your son was in health care?)
Haven’t had it a second time that I know of. Although, I spent the weekend with my brother’s family. They had it two weeks ago and still have lingering coughs. So unless they are contagious three weeks after the fact, I should be good.
Pretty sure you should still be well within the naturally immune window, even for Omi. I was asking b/c doesn't your wife work in health care? sorry if I am mis-remembering.
Had a call with my colleagues and a client, in Spain, this morning... While we're still bunkered down, they're already back on site with the client.
No. Though there is still a lot of denial and misinformation out there. I did hear there is a lot of variation (post Jab or infection) in antibodies... This makes sense and was the original spin for boosters (recall, those with high risk, immuno compromised, etc). Though a lot probably depends more on indirect / secondary factors... If your organs start shutting down, sepsis, even speed to treatment and protocol for pneumonia... Fwiw - My sister is a doctor and son in PA school.
Wife is a stay-at-home mom. I work at a med school but not in patient care in the hospital, on the university side.
the 2 guys I know personally to have had C19 twice both had it really bad back in Feb/March 2020. The Guy 1 was hospitalized, Guy 2 nearly so. This go-around, both of them had effects about same as mine. Definitely sick, but nowhere near as bad as the first time. Guy 1 had the JJ jab in I think summer of 2021, Guy 2 had 2 Moderna shots in spring of 2021, and 1 Pfizer about 2 weeks before he got Rona for the second time here in late December.
those non-vaccines sure do help stop the spread, dont they ... (sarcasm for those in Rio Linda) .... it seems the more one is jabbed, the better the chance of getting the CCP virus is (... their immune system maybe compromised .. various studies show that IS the case .. I'll stay jab free and hopefully CCP virus free (unless its come and gone and I never knew), I trust my bodies immune system .
Maybe if we boosted the second booster... https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news...n-initial-israeli-findings-suggest-1.10545136
I am pretty sure even THE SCIENCEISTS admit there is a substantial risk of infection 2-3 weeks after getting 2nd/3rd jabs. And that was even before Omi.