Another way to look at it for those in the religous corner. That wasn't snarky, I'm just more spiritual based. God saw his error with the great flood. Really what did all those animals ever do to deserve his rath? Just wake them up with a world wide cleansing ever once in a while and hope they wake up enough to get the point.
Ha, to that I hope when all said and done someone gathers info and posts charts of various religious based countries then put over all death tolls charted next to them....Just a curiosity thing.... Those results could make one,wonder...
to anyone who remembers about my sister's case... She was intubated and given less than 10% chance of surviving Hospital refused to administer Ivy We informed them of our intent to sue They caved 48 hours after after a private HCW administered Ivy, she started recovering Christmas Eve she opened her eyes for first time in 3 weeks Jan 12 she was completely removed from all machines - no more feeding tube and no supplemental O2 needed at all Retained 100% mental capacities Currently a complete invalid, waiting transfer to a PT rehab center (stuck in a pit of insurance bureacracy) ...but she is alive and on track for a complete recovery. F Fauxi and Big Medicine, INC brought to you by Pfizr. The Senate is coming for you, you POS. And I want to stick my Pfist up Collin's ass and make him a meat puppet.
I know the CMS ruling looks bad on paper but I don’t think any health care system is going to go overboard enforcing it. Write a letter stating why you don’t want the vaccine. Put on your N95 and get back to work. Our number of hospitalized patients dropped this week. Hopefully that trend continues.
So I vowed in 2022 that I would dare covid to come get me. Wife and I are going to the Hub Supper Club for dinner tonight. All dinners include the salad bar. Sorry I could not bring myself to dine from a salad bar long before covid escaped the lab.
I dunno, I don't work in health care but talk to Pink Pony. Just a hunch, but I don't see these hospitals wanting to piss off Uncle Sugar. If I had to guess they are going to be audited pretty hard for compliance. OSHA isn't going to have anything better to do now that those private sector mandates are out. My main concern is the applicability of the majority's opinion to that of the multiple pending mandate cases regarding other government contractors.
Did you watch Tucker last night He put out the obvious case as to why health institutions and companies will comply....they are all dependent on Gov. handouts and regulations. They also know to be afraid of the FBI AND IRS. The Dems. have weaponized all of it. BIden put out his warning that he is watching yesterday.
CMS is huge on audits. I am sure this will be enforced rather well. Hospitals and a lot of other offices depend on that MDC/MA monies. Especially the lower poverty areas. They cannot risk losing that money, so therefore they will be enforcing it, to ensure that doesn't happen. I received an e-mail this morning - While the CMS vaccine does not directly apply to EMS agencies, your agency may soon be asked by these facilities to ensure that EMS agency employees entering those facilities are fully vaccinated from COVID-19 or meet one of the exemptions. PWW believes that this requirement should not apply to EMS agency personnel entering covered facilities for 911 emergency responses. I'll still be playing it by ear for awhile. But, I feel this will help our volunteer agencies from being mandated.
Here's a question how many will die or be injured from procedures because they are vaccinated but their only advocate is not and not allowed to be at their bed side watching over them? Such as noodles sister...
It hasn't been stated, from what I've read up on, that visitors have to be vaccinated. I don't feel they can enforce that as they're not paid/employed by the facilities.
I familiar with CMS and their tactics. We have had these discussions locally with our administration and it is simple. Write your letter, no photocopies etc, and submit. It undergoes a review process to make sure it is sufficient. I can tell you our staffing sucks and no one has any interest is losing more people over this nonsense. We have been operating under the CDC’s crisis capacity regulations meaning even if you have Covid you come to work if you can. Obviously taking certain precautions. Your mileage may vary.
we actually could visit her the whole time, just had to verbally attest to being free from C19. 1 visitor at a time, capped at 2 separate visitors daily. But I know there are a lot of facilities that don't allow visitors.
To whom are you writing the letter to? CMS? Local facilities? I luckily don't fall in the category, but, we may depending on what local facilities do. This would only be for our non-emergent transportation as it is a scheduled thing. I wrote a letter recently to the one I received a letter for - letting them know I was ending our contract. This should now have me not binded to the facility that if we do go in, we wont be held at that standard.
You were indeed fortunate. Around here, it is 2 people on the approved list. Like a swanky night club, it you ain't on the list, you ain't getting in. There is no removing one person to add another. The only exception is end of life. And when I say end of life, I mean when the doc has determined the patient is in their last 18-24 hours. Then one person at a time can visit for 5-10 minutes.
Wow, when my mom was in the hospital in FL, (not covid related) You could basically just walk in. The rule was 2 people per room, but it wasn’t enforced. The whole family went in and ate lasagna on Christmas eve with her. (Family tradition) Sent from my iPhone using Forums
When my Mom went in August of 2020 (non-covid related) - she was only allowed one person while in. Thankfully, because her diagnosis wasn't good, we were able to rotate. With my Dad's health, I was able to be on the list so he could leave and get sleep and we were able to get my Grama and brother in, too (because she wasn't going to make it). We jumped some hoops, and I knew the right people, so I was lucky. Not everyone was lucky like that. (Also, she came home on hospice and a year and a half later is okay and they have no idea what happened).
I was referring to you having to be there in order to advocate her getting proper care and being there to do so in her case. It's a very bad situation when an ill incapacitated patient is ignored. I have issues with certain anesthesia I made this very very Clear going in to have a tumor removed. First, tumor was way bigger than they thought grapefruit sized. I was under much longer. It was one of the surgery ..go home! Situations. Thank God hubby and daughter were there. I woke up in bad shape. They had a hard time getting me out of it ,BTWscrewing up their schedule. I then started exactly what I warned them of...puking my self inside out, every time I attempted to lift my head. They finally got me dressed and that made things worse ,needless to say I went home in someone's scrubs. Puking the entire one point family flipped out demanding something be done to help me due to the severity of dry heaving that was starting. Save family I was ignored by staff. Dr. Did call several times at hone to check when she got the report.