Well, we have never let it go, shutting down prevents this from happening, hence herd immunity can never happen. We know vaccine immunity is not happening. The question is do we just let it rip through and hold on.
Yet, not a single Dem is ready to call China out on this, or their beloved Fauxi. Weird part in all this, we know how many people have had Covid, but we still do not know how many have died from it. Only with it If you really ponder on it, it being true numbers, did Covid deaths really only replace flu deaths the past couple of years? How many flu deaths may we have had if Covid-19 was never created? How would those who died from Covid, not with it, have faired had they gotten the flu? They completely missed the strain for the Influenza shot this year, I can only imagine when this is over how they(law makers and media) will react if we ever have record number of flu cases. Will they delve into flu shot mandates next?
you had been quiet for a few days, was wondering if you had come down with the HotTub Time Machine Variant. Hope it's just a hiccup for the wife. Both my wife and I had weird relapse days off and on from about days 6-10.
That’s where we are at and I am still evading, but my days are numbered I bet Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I picked a bad day to start a 2 week detox. Reading the dissent in the CMS case made me want to vomit. Even the conservative justices are woefully misinformed on the efficay of the shots and the risks posed by/with C19.
Imagine our old college days...if covid had struck. Everyone drinking off the same beer bongs, bottles, touching covid positive people in improper places....we would have had herd immunity in a month!
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/...topsy-death-myocarditis-pfizer-covid-vaccine/ cross posted on several other outlets also.
so 4 months after Brandon takes over all MAB distribution; MABs are almost nowhere to be found and nearly impossible to get. Brandon bought over 500 million test kits last month. There are no test kits to be found. This week, the Brandons issued an order for the government to supply everyone with N95 masks. They say you need three points to vector in on a target, right?
I am not going to get into a deep line by line narrative analysis regarding the 2 SCOTUS decisions today for a few reasons, one of which being I am not a practicing attorney, and another being I haven't read the entire Private Sector decision as of yet. I have read the CMS decision start to finish appx. 10 times because...well, it is likely to at least in part parallel a pending case which is of particular interest to me. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21a244_hgci.pdf https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21a240_d18e.pdf But here are my takeaways, if anyone is interested - Breyer/Kagan/Soto These three recognize no power limits of the Federal Government. They do not believe in Federalism. There is no other logical conclusion. They are also all abject moronic zealots. Thomas/Alito......Gorsuch Thomas and Alito are staunch Constitutionalists and extreme contextualists. If it's not in the Constitution or subsequent statute; it's relegated to the States. Period, end of story. Gorsuch is a tich behind them and occasionally takes a slight detour, but travels the same road. Roberts and Kav: Both are squidges. They are more concerned with the image and reputation of the Court than the substance of their rulings. But they do have a modicum of common sense and they make the Government work for it. (Or in the case of Roberts, presents both sides of the case and then sides with the Government if at all possible.) ACB: I was pleasantly surprised by her, honestly. She was pretty on point during oral arguments and she made the right calls on both cases. I would be curious to know if she had any part in writing for the majority in the OSHA case. I couldn't tell. All: All of these Justices are woefully misinformed as to C19 risks (especially now with Omicron) and the jabs. Even in Thomas' dissent in the CMS case, he accepted as fact several materially false assertions by the Government; which have been disproven by recent statistical studies and also recent on camera statements by CDC Director and Dr. Fauxi. He even referred to the jabs as 'immunization' which is completely inaccurate. As I was listening to oral arguments of both cases last week, I was struck by not only the outrageous lies and exaggerations of Sotomayor, Breyer, and also Kagan; but complete misstatements of 'facts' by the moderate and conservative justices...and the plaintiff's attorneys didn't counter those, at all. I understand that as an attorney, if you feel you are winning on the law you don't want to trip yourself up by mixing in 'externalities' and pointing out the judges' lack of information. But when the entire stated rationale for the mandates was the premise that 'only the non-jabbed could catch and spread the virus' and now that is demonstrably false and even admitted to by the Governments' top health officials...that's a pretty important baloon to burst. I knew at the time it was a monstrous mistake to not rebut the Justices' patently false assertions. Now, here we are, with the entireity of the Majority's decision to upold the health care worker mandates based on a risk assessment which was built upon a foundation of falsehoods. Well, I hate being right. The primary rationale for upholding the CMS case was based, in its entireity, on the presumption (these were all cited in the ruling) that government studies from much earlier in the year showed that transmission and infection rates amongst the jabbed were much lower than the unjabbed (even to claim it was nearly impossible.) We now know that to be completely false. Even Walensky and Fauxi admit it. The Opinions: I could tell by the nastiness, egregiously false assertions, and the sanctimony that Roberts let Sotomayor write at least the opening of the majority opinion in upholding the CMS case. The entire premise was based falsely on the 'facts' that the virus infects and transmits mostly in the unjabbed, and that the jabs protects both the HCWs and patients from infection. Patently false. Again, if the attorneys had fought back against this in orals, it might have swayed at least Kav to do a double take. The majority also had their cake and ate it...in one paragraph, Soto claims that at the time of the filing, 750,000 Americans have died *from* the virus...and that X# of hospitalizations were cause by the virus...only in the next paragraph to claim that just the week prior, 11,000 Americans had died at least in part from the virus. Completely glossed over the fact that just Sunday, Walensky admitted that at least 40% of deaths (referring to that old 750k number) accounted to COVID were actually caused by co-morbidities with Covid. In the dissenting opinion on the CMS case, even Thomas went along with the fallacy of efficacy (ooo, I like that, that's going in one of my briefs) and based his entire premise on lack of statutory authority...which I agree with, but it is important to point out that the initial basis for the EOs was based entirely on a false assertion.
Yet the left has no issues with arsen riddled chemical spraying rioters, setting fires and attacking responders.