If it's not bad enough about the vaccine - they're requiring boosters, too. I thought this CMS mandate was held up in court right now.
Second person in our ATA group is down for the count with the Rona. That leaves the 3 of us who already had it, and 1 person who is unvaxxed and hasn't had it yet.
Well how long ago did I say that going into a hospital with covid unvaccinated was DANGEROUS? I said you need to ask your care givers there political affiliation. NOW it's being made public this government is denying medical care of WHITES over dark skinned AMERICANS AND ILLEGAL PERSONS I hate being right sometimes
29,487 new cases diagnosed in Minnesota yesterday all time high. Sick of waiting I have a couple weeks of down time covid come get me.
Haha, I said that back around Christmas - I said I hope I get it so I can be off and get some major house cleaning done and other things. Then bam, they changed quarantine time to five days...so now I'll get it on a holiday - where I only get one extra day due to it. I missed my two week window.
hey @Germ UPDATE: US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at Wuhan Institute of Virology – RedState "The gene-encoded, or “mRNA,” vaccines work poorly because they are synthetic replications of the already-synthetic SARSr-CoV-WIV synthetic spike proteins and possess no other epitopes. The mRNA instructs the cells to produce synthetic copies of the SARSr-CoV-WIV synthetic spike protein directly into the bloodstream, wherein they spread and produce the same ACE2 immune storm that the recombinant vaccine does. Many doctors in the country have identified that the symptoms of vaccine reactions mirror the symptoms of the disease, which corroborates with the similar synthetic nature and function of the respective spike proteins....Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloroquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative)." How's my Lizard Lady looking now? ...every one of these C-suckers, Fauxi, Dazic, ALL OF THEM are guilty of crimes against humanity for their creation of the virus, their cover up of their roles, and then the suppression of actual cures.
This whole covid thing with Tony and the politicians they wanted this, they have used this. They have lied and manipulated.
Biden administration guidance prioritizes race in administering COVID drugs New York and Minnesota among states prioritizing race in COVID treatment distribution https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bi...ce-prioritizes-race-administering-covid-drugs
There is actual video out of Texas I believe...even Texas...a white guy secretly taking video of a health care worker denying him treatment, him asking or stating due to his race and the medical worker saying it's the policy then walking away. There are documents,written word. Do as I do and seek out the info. Then sit back and watch the law suits start rolling in that, yep your tax dollars will be used to settle in coming years.
So, the same as the flu where probably 100% of the people who end up hospitalized or die didn't get the flu shot? People are thinking about covid all wrong. Politicians and the media broke people's minds.
Here's something go the Dr John Campbell's videos and look over all the written info and interviews from across the world. Ask yourself why death rates are so much higher than anywhere else right now. The US is at the moment having way more omnicor deaths than any where else. Also . The CDC in this country is lagging days behind all others in releasing info to be compared world wide.
I don't know much about the origins of covid, but I do know the last two years have exposed these pricks in DC. Liars, manipulators with financial agendas, and everything under the sun. I really hope many Americans see this as well. Vote these people out, regardless of political affiliation. You lie? Exposed. You get caught in financial shakiness? Exposed. You are a shady judge? Thrown out. Removed. Exposed. We need a purge of these clowns.
This is the first year I refused the flue shot....first year I didn't get the flue 2 months later. Hubby never has had the flue refuses to ever get the shot. He got a intestinal bug this year, though he also, skinny ****e, downed two full bags of chocolate candy bars in less than a week. I think he just seriously screws up his tract that led to that infection. I know he told me not to buy him candy bars again.
it sort of is...the TRO was lifted but the case is still pending and will likely be decided and announced this Thursday. If you don't have a contract with the facility, then there is no harm because it's an at-will relationship with no obligation to or from either party. A private employer can technically mandate whatever FDA- approved vaccines they want to their employees (absent collective bargaining agreements.) However, if the facility is stating that their decision to enact the mandates in place is a result of the Executive Order; they are de-facto acting as an Agent of the Government. Then if SCOTUS rules against the G in the CMS case, the facility is screwed and can't mandate the shots since they are an agent of the USG. If you have a contract with them and they are saying that it's based on their own volition rather than the EO, you could sue for breach of contract on the basis that it is illegal for anyone (G or private sector) to mandate people to take a medication that is under EUA. There are no C19 shots currently in circulation that have full FDA approval. A federal judge has already ruled that Pfizr's Comirnity IS NOT legally the same as the Pfizr EUA-authorized C19 jabs currently being administered. (I do not know if the CMS case makes the EUA/FDA approval argument. Many but not all of the cases against the EOs currently working their way through the courts do contain that information as part of the illegality of the mandates.)