Husband is the biggest whiner when it's even a simple cold - so it's so hard to tell if it's anything major or not. No loss of smell or taste. Slight dizzy, cough, congestion like. Which makes me think sinus.
lol, I (and Mrs. Noodles) can relate. I am a giant man baby whenever I have a cold or any upper respiratory thing. Will lay me out on the couch for 3-5 days easy......But I get 4 busted ribs and I barely say a word and suck it up till I heal and won't miss a day of work. (Unless I get a cold with said busted ribs...that was easily the most miserable week of my life.) Just FYSA, most of us who lose taste/smell a lot of times happens 3-5 days after other symptoms start.
CNBC had Pfizer CEO on spewing stuff about the new vaccine... All the while the Pfizer stock info was being projected right next to his face.
^^^ and what are the harmful effects and how many will this 'vaccine' kill or harm ?? ... I'll pass ...... the vax nannies will eat it up I'm sure, just make sure you double up on the masks also ...
this should be the final nail in the coffin of Covidiot Nation and the mandates:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1480557790527635460|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
Hammer finally came down. My wife needs to get the vaccine for work. Let's go Brandon In Venatione Veritas
I think there is more to it- the following is completely a prediction based on my ability to put myself in evil sumbitch's shoes and say "what would I do to grow/consolidate/preserve power?" I think they know SCOTUS is going to squash the mandates, and is pre-emptively laying the groundwork to pull them back 'voluntarily' so as to render the cases against them moot and thereby precluding the Court from explicitly preventing them from excercising said power. Roberts hates deciding cases against the federal government- he does not like the appearance that one branch of government is more powerful than the others. He has mooted cases before when it's People Vs. The Government which then sensing a loss in the courts ends up rescinding the rule or law in question; including some gun control cases as well as some of the election fraud cases from 2020. He'd jump at the possibility to abdicate responsibility and not have the court rule here. If the executive orders are rescinded voluntarily, he has the authority to move to toss the case as moot. The Prog wing of the court will vote with him, probably including Kav and possibly even ACB. 5-4 to dismiss. The Pfi Executive Branch already got what they wanted- near 70% compliance, they have a wonder pill that people will still scarf up, and about 50% of people will still voluntarily get Omicron boosters annually.
Derek Andrew McIntosh Obituary ( I post this not to dance on someone's grave, but to applaud the gigantic BALLS his family has to post this: I cut the final paragraph which names his surviving family; no need to doxx them.
Dang Monticello is my home town, Kurt Manufacturing is in Princeton and they make some parts for us. Small world.
the truth is out on these non-vaccines... .... they can harm or kill you ..... they dont stop the spread, nor prevent one from coming down with the OHMIGODweareallgonnadie CCP virus(s) ... with every jab, risk of harm or death from the non-vaccines increase as does the destruction to your immune system .. Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
His father is retired and lives in Nisswa which is right down the road. I looked up on Facebook and have several mutual friends with the father. Also have several connections at Kurt as well. Crazy!
@Fix "There's no stopping a man who knows he's in the right and keeps a-coming." -Louis L'Amour You and your wife are not alone. Don't cave. Hold the line.
Just got a letter that one of the facilities we service is mandating the vaccine. It's an agreement to sign - I am not signing it. I am not mandating my employees to get it. I have one fully vaccinated driver and that's it - it is their choice. Unless all my facilities change to this - we will pick and choose where we transport. As mentioned above, Let's Go Brandon! Let's just kill the emergency services even more!