We had a booster clinic at work today at 1000am. I have 1 guy that came in and got it he has worked here 23yrs. At 1000 o’clock tonight I see him laying on the floor with his feet on a chair and he’s saying his legs feel numb and he felt light headed. This guy is a strange bird to begin with. So he gets all theses vaccinations and booster but wears the same cheap mask for weeks at a time and changes his clothes once a week. Anyway after laying down for 10 minutes he’s back up working. I’m sure the booster had nothing to do with it.
Well, that could have happened, she's up today and fine. Her school closed today as a "snow day" 45+ teachers out.
Very perceptive of you. I had the original Alpha two Octobers ago. I look down my nose with disdain at the people who've had any variant after that, they are lesser.
Welp, that means I’m just about due for another immunity boost. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
SCOTUS hearing arguments today on the OSHA mandates, damn I hope SCOTUS gets this one right and tells OSHA/O'biden to stick it up their ass ... btw, still healthy and going strong ...
was listening to the live stream of the SCOTUS oral arguments against the private sector mandates... The challenge is going to get slapped down and the mandates are going to proceed. Sotomayor is clearly overtly hostile to the challenge and is woefully misinformed as to the risk between injected/uninjected. Over and over again she is making claims of material scientific facts that are not true and have been proven to be false- ie that the "unvaccinated" 'spew the virus' all over the vaccinated" and are the ones spreading the disease. She literally used that phrase and it went unchallenged. She is monopolizing the time (I'd estimate she has spoken 2/3 of the time so far) and nastily interrupts the attorney when he is directly responding to other Justice's questions. She is basically filibustering with lies or at least complete dis-information provided by her clerks. If I was Justice Thomas I would be jumping down her throat. But the nail in the coffin will be the attorney for the plaintiff is woefully uninformed as to the science as well.
hah, I already do have COVID snobbery. I beat real COVID in about a week with natural immune response supplemented with Airborn, Zinc, and Vitamin D. ...and Vitamin BAC.
Interesting tid-bit, not all covid related, from Colony PD - Fentanyl overdoses become No. 1 cause of death among US adults, ages 18-45. More adults between 18 and 45 died of fentanyl overdoses in 2020 than COVID-19, motor vehicle accidents, cancer and suicide.
Damn I would have beat you if I bang a covid positive person and did not even get symptoms, I feel left out now for not having covid
Lisitening to the SCOTUS feed this morning was awful. Per justice Sotomayor 100,000 kids in serious condition? assuming ZERO kids 0-19 have been discharged from the hospital in the last 4 weeks (not ICU, just hospitalized) the state of MN can add 94 to that total... Sources https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/stats/covidweekly0122.pdf https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/stats/covidweekly5021.pdf