If you're concerned, I'd just self isolate and in five days if symptoms go away, you're good to go (or the wife).
Wife, man what a story I could have of COVID avoidance I would have. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't any "story or feat" to Covid avoidance. There was 185+ people packed into the venue for my works Christmas party both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Only about 27 of us(including 2 venue employees) contracted it. Multiple stories here where someone's wife and/or children tested positive or another close contact had and they never contracted it themselves.
Wife brought home a rapid covid test that requires an app to get results of said test. I looked at it and it instantly reminded me of Red Dawn when they figured out the kid had a tracking device.
The urgent care where I got tested a few times has now started charging $100 for Covid tests at all their locations. Coworker wanted to get tested yesterday morning. His wife and daughter tested positive, he had it last Summer and has since had 2 shots. He said Walgreens couldn't set an appointment before Monday. Ended up finding a rapid test for $20 at a Casey's(gas station/mart for those without one), result was negative. Told him he'd have more accuracy shaking a magic 8 ball
I like their pizza, I'll grab a few slices every now and then. Had their breakfast pizza a couple times too, not bad.
My buddy at work who had it bad in Feb/March 2020 and is now double-shotted just came down with it again overnight. He's the second person in 2 days I know to have gotten C19 a second time. Both had it in March of last year and have been double-shotted (and one is boosted.) Can we just say it's endemic and move on? Please?
Just last week my daughter tested positive. I was in direct contact with her every day since. Out of 4 people living in the house, she was the only one to get it. Strange, for sure thinking I would get it. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Won't be long before all at home tests require it in some form. You can't know your result unless the government knows. Too many people self testing and not reporting their results. WTF does it matter? You test positive, you take the precautions and live life afterward. Simple as that. Now Flurona is going to be the big thing, not the "I hate U" variant. You have a Covid vaccine that doesn't stop an infection at all, and now this years Flu shot is a whiff and a miss. Maybe about June we can start thinking about a return to normal....
It's hit and miss. I was training a positive person at work. No masks by either of us, this was last April, and he was one of those never shuts his pie-hole types. He kept dry coughing every few minutes, not a heavy cough just a small one, but frequent and never into a fit. I almost joked with him about Covid. Next day I get a call that I was exposed, his mom had tested positive and he got tested and was as well. Think he came to work while waiting for the results. I got tested 2 days later and was negative. I was thinking maybe I was immune after that one. Nope.
I just hope when covid comes for me it is a fashionable variant, the latest and greatest. How long until we have covid variant snobbery? If you have not had the original or the delta you have not really had covid?