Liked, that said, the issues and even deaths I eluded to are from IMPROPER injections into blood streams...these shot were never meant to be put directly into one blood streams. This is. Causing long term medical issues. Also weeks ago I mentioned a pill that was developed that is STILL being slow walked. I know a person that helped produce this pill that told me it was being slow walked by officials.
ask yourselves this one question .. WHY is Pfizer delaying the release of all their info/studies on their 'vaccine' .... why ?? ..... esp. since the release of the initial documents have been so damning to them .. this has been a fluster cluck since the beginning ... smh ..
Health system in Michigan with over a 99% vax compliance rate has over 700 employees test positive for the CCP virus(s) ...
I have to admit I am enjoying this latest phase of covid. All the a-holes that deemed themselves superior than the unvaccinated are now learning that the shot and booster is not all that Tony promised, Karma for self-righteous vaccinated that wished harm on others.
Unfortunately that doesn't help those that didn't get the proper medical care because they weren't vaccinated. This is still happening ......
Who is more at risk? A healthy unvaccinated person or a vaccinated obese or vaccinated life long smoker?
and, my kids went back to school for one day just to be sent home for virtual school for.....ever? A week? Two days?
So, why exactly did my employer require I need to be vaccinated? I've been working remote now nearly 2 years, still aren't traveling to client sites and getting into the office requires significant buracracy...
Doesn't really matter...they are all human so should receive the same care flaws and all...There have been plenty of fat smoking volunteer fire fighters in this world that saved lives.
My point exactly... And we also need to stop acting like all vaccinated persons are way healthier with this virus than unvaccinated. That is just not the case and it needs to stop.
This should be interesting Dr. office just called to let me know they put in a reference for colonoscopy. That offfice will be calling me with options. Ha! Let the games begin! I REFUSE to get a booster. NEVER after getting so sick with second shot. No more flue shots either...first year I didn't and first year I haven't gotten the flue.
Great... Scratchy throat and nasal congestion abruptly setting in... I still have my senses of taste and smell...
I just went through 2 days of that and it's going away. I think that's because the temperature spiked for 2 days
Colleges are now requiring boosters. My neighbor county trying for double masks lolol In Venatione Veritas
Makes you wonder how the hell they made it out of the Spanish Flu pandemic 100 years ago. I'm betting no 24 hour news networks was a major factor, waiting 3-4 days for major updates people would probably lose interest and just go about their normal lives. Amazing how technology has made us stupider in general.