I hope not. Not sure why it would. I have had some weird vision stuff out of my right eye. At a 45 degree angle I'll see a dark line. It was bad this morning but it's gone now.
That was how they discovered I had mono when I took a preseason physical for football. Two a days with mono sucks.
@Sota it won't let me reply direct since you messed up the reply, but- lolol. I'd fire him for being a
Lots of potential stuff... Double check blood works levels for B, D vitamins and thyroid... WBC. Its been a while since I stayed at a holiday inn express though...
That sounds like the start of floaters. Mine actually started with bursts of colored dots, then progressed to spider webs across my vision. Always got worse when tired or stressed. They actually started with my BP increase.Now that's down I haven't noticed them in months.
He and his woke Pentagon can kiss or sit on angry rattlesnakes. Numerous efforts to make the military safer against male on female sexual harassment rendered pointless by allowing "out" gays and open transexualism in shared barracks. He was kissing ass up the ranks while all of this became policy. Logic is the first casualty when any extreme belief system controls the narrative and "wokeism" is indeed an extreme belief system.
Everyone's back in the mask mandates my freaking ears are screaming at me! Had Dr. Apt...he was very happy BP still down with 1 yr no pills, no weight gain...Though I actually did go up 6#'s over hunting season. That will reverse now I'm back on my walking schedule and not sitting still in a blind or tree stand. I'll also be doing wood again shoveling the drive. That's good for at least 10#'s a winter alone. My ears were not made for hanging straps from. This next generation coming up are all going to look like a little rascals character with deformed ear lobes. So I now have to find a new female Dr. , schedule a Colonoscopy, and call my orthopedic surgeon. My Dr. Moved way too far away, it's been 12 yrs since my last "looky", and my Doc wants the knee to get a good once over. I think he's figuring rehab will go back on the table...I hope. They already know I refuse shots. Been there and NEVER EVER again. They could hear the screams 2 blocks away..
Found out the guy I talk football with at the liquor store is in the hospital on a ventilator from covid. Evidently his closest family is 8 hours away.
On Dec 31st my wife and I broke many bible belt laws in the hot tub. Jan 1st she started now feeling well, 2nd was worse with a bad cough and phlegm. The 3rd was worse and we got a home covid test which came back negative. Today she can't smell or taste. She has no fever, just the cough and phlegm in her lungs she's hacking up. Have scheduled test for Thursday that was a soon as we could get it for COVID. If it is Covid and I escape this, that would be amazing.
Best of luck too you both. The home tests and the rapid test have a pretty significant false negative rate. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
pretty sure that something with that many 'mutations' is no longer the same virus. I actually saw a headline earlier today that I can't find anymore that someone with the NIH or CDC was saying that OMICRON is so different from C19 in both genetics and symptoms that they should be considered separate diseases entirely. Similar to how cow pox and small pox are different diseases but closely related enough that cow pox inoculated people from small pox.