Germ is my inspiration at how to win in life. How can anyone question his devotion to truth and facts? Since 2016 he has been a neutral and never waivering force in the political spectrum and only relied on facts to support his stance. I feel so silly for thinking he would deflect and divert on key issues, I feel even more silly that I questioned his reasoning for position changing multiple times over the years. Hell, read the Political venting thread from start to finish for an example. Well done Troll, well done.
That's what my mom goes through. And a few other ppl I know, there's just nobody else that shows up for a variety of reasons. So it's same ppl working all the time. That'd drag anyone down. Hell we have that where I work and has nothing to do with healthcare and literally every person I know that runs any buisness is in same boat. Not that it's same but I stopped in town other day to get haircut and the ppl there were from a town 45 mins away because couldn't hire anyone local that would work more than day or two then quit. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
.... scamdemic of the vaccinated ..... just sayin' Germany: Govt Reports 96% of Omicron Cases Are Among Fully Vaccinated, 4% Are Unvaccinated
Wife and I were suppose to go to Cancun next week. Just canceled the trip, there are so many people around us with Covid we’re afraid that if one of us gets/has it we won’t be able to get back into the country (legally that is).
hey partner I might pay more attention to your posts if you just didn’t post random blobs of information. Certainly you can appreciate the skepticism I and most folks have when approaching any bit of information even if it confirms our biases. Gone are the days of trusting the media in any form. Just grabbing a headline doesn’t do much for me. I like to know the source and their sources of information, references if you will. Just some food for thought. You obviously have a lot of passion for this discussion. Some quality sources would go a long way.
But the Breslin Center where MSU plays basketball all game still on and people allowed. Mask required unless your eating which is dumb. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Going to tempt fate and make dinner reservations tonight. Will have an alcohol swab in close proximity at all times. Scratch that not eating dinner at 7:30, staying in.
My daughter's Africa study abroad is officially off and I'm stuck with credits for international flights. Fml In Venatione Veritas
here ya go .. "Robert Koch Institute report" released today states that 95.58% of the #Omicron cases in Germany are fully vaccinated (28% of those had a "booster"), 4.42% are unvaccinated .. New data released today by the Robert Koch Institute, a research agency run by the German government, found that though 71% of the population is fully vaccinated nearly 96% of Omicron cases are among the fully vaccinated.
Thanks. I couldn’t find the referenced report on the RKI website in English(although there was a surprising amount of information in English) and I can’t read German.
you are welcome .. the numbers are there, the report has to be broken down numbers wise, knowing where to look ..... Im glad some else did it .. lol .. worth the short watch ... here is good vid from Canada, after talk host gets done yapping, starts at the 5 min. mark ... How Pfizer got the approval and supposed numbers they did in trials and hid numbers and negative results, etc. for that approval ....ever wonder why Pfizer is NOT allowing the information ordered by a court to be released ?? .. btw, I am not anti-vax, I am however anti THIS vax for healthy individuals and children .. vid is in link .. Pfizer Vaccine EXPOSED! Less than 1% effective, Did More Harm Than Good, They Knew It and Tricked You
Researchers at Columbia University are estimating that omicron variant COVID-19 cases could peak in the United States by Jan. 9 with numbers at around 2.5 million cases a week, or potentially reaching 5.4 million cases weekly. and yet, the vax nannies/BIG pharma/Gvmnt/Fake News Media(FNM/MSM) are pushing these OHMIGODweareallgonnadie 'cases' like its the end of the world ... smh ... hell, look at all those with nat. immunity afterwards ... cough cough sniffle sniffle ..