That's exactly what's happening here. My wife Is run down for the lack of help, not the volume of patients. She actually left her job a few months ago. But the grass wasn't greener on the other side. They were happy to have her back and start work. They are hiring but the training takes months and they can't pick up call until fully trained. For the most part it's the call that drains my wife. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I understand that and I appreciate you sharing your observations. It was the same for us during the first couple surges. Other areas were getting hammered and we’re coasting along. I don’t have an agenda just posting my experiences. I don’t have any links to websites with agendas or have stories about my neighbors cats uncles friend etc. Good luck Guys.
Hey I know your a very experienced man in what you do. With your experience, I know you have probably seen it all and understand what your saying and hope there is some relief for your area soon. There is definitely a wave effect going on with patients. Luckily here we haven't had the completely overwhelmed surge like back when this first started. Here is something to think about in a positive light. Like the old saying "The strong will survive! " . Now I'm not talking about patients here, but the workers. One thing good from this is all the workers that give it there all in and worked through the worst are some of best we have. This will weed out the week and be left with best workers in your occupation. Your sir are one of the strong! Thank you for sticking it out. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
no wonder the 'cases' have been inflated ... this has was said all along, dont trust the PCR tests .. but Fauci and the rest had to have those numbers high to keep up the fear factor and their narratives .... smh .. The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) withdraws use of the PCR test for COVID and finally admits what I have been saying for two years…the test can not differentiate between the flu and COVID virus. After December 31, 2021, the CDC will withdraw emergency use authorization of the PCR test for COVID-19 testing. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, said many years ago that the PCR should not be used to diagnose infectious diseases, “It does not tell you that you are sick.”
Since Boomers were mentioned. It's long been known once they started retiring the strain on social security was going to drain it. I'd imagine the same can be said on the healthcare system overall, as they get older and become more susceptible to all disease, illness and injury(falls etc.), wouldn't you also expect an equal surge in admissions as well? I'd be curious to see what capacities and overall strain on the system would be if you removed all covid patients from the numbers. Would it still be abnormally high compared to pre covid numbers? Covid definitely exacerbates the situation on both capacity and healthcare worker numbers. Here I haven't heard of any capacity issues, we have two major hospitals within 5 miles of each other. But, just as with the violence increases in certain areas the same could be said about Covid albeit for different reasons.
I'll chime in from the emergency side of it. 2021 so far has been our busiest year since 2015. We are up roughly 250 calls from previous years. However, with that being said, we are also running a lot more into the city because the city is taking non-emergent trips, trickling the surrounding area to cover inner city and we are being moved into cover that area. Alas, we are still up calls. But, with that - we are getting called to COVID+ people who do NOT need to go to the hospital. I bet you a third if not half of the COVID calls could and should just stay home and rest. Guarantee they were discharged before we even were finished with shift. Hospitals are full, but like someone mentioned above, it's because they shut off wings due to staffing issues. So we are doing a lot of hallway beds or straight to triage. Triage is usually your COVID people who don't need to be there anyways (yet, all coughing and being germy). Our local hospitals haven't enforced the vaccine, but they're losing employees to other hospitals due to sign on bonuses or to traveling nurses (who are in turn working locally) for 3-4x money.
The hysteria is starting again. On the flip side I do see more people in the emergency room at the hospital. More so than most months. I'm tired of this crap. I'm looking forward to catching some smallmouth this spring and hope to not be within a mile of another person doing so.
its the fear factor that has many going to the ER/Hospitals, even for testing ..the powers that be have 'em scared crapless all for a cold .... many dont know better, many dont hve their own doc .... unless you have breathing problems/comorbidities/super high fever.. STAY HOME ... that is what one should do with a cold/reg. flu anyways ... waaaaay to many hypochondriacs out there ...
Data Suggests South Africa's Omicron Surge Ended Without Major Spike in Deaths Public health researchers in South Africa released a study on Tuesday indicating the country may have already passed the peak of its COVID-19 omicron variant surge without a jump in hospitalizations or deaths, The Hill reported. Researchers focused on the city of Tshwane in Gauteng, where omicron currently accounts for 95% of reported cases. During their study in Tshwane, they reviewed hospital records and compared them to prior surges. According to their analysis, the omicron variant "spread and declined" in Tshwane "with unprecedented speed." The surge peaked on Dec. 5, only four weeks from its beginning. The report showed that peak hospital bed occupancy during the omicron wave was half of what was observed during the delta wave
Quite true Predictable,are you afraid of the answer you might get? Just find a hospital worker and ask “hey how’s it going with COVID, what would you have done differently?” Nothing wrong, it’s just a question. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I saw a person I knew from high school the other day and they went on and on about covid and being on the front line of such a crazy pandemic. We talked for 15 mins and I went on my way. Only to find out he works at a drug store in the pharmacy. Lesson to learn, people always exaggerate how hard they have it. In Venatione Veritas