I get 14 days, I am taking 14 days. Well, that mixed in with some work from home. My chest congestion is down considerably, and my sense of smell is back. I can smell my coffee and I just went over and smelled an unlit pumpkin candle which I can smell for the first time in days. No need for the CS gas (or thankfully, the Wasabi.) I can hear Mrs. Noodles on the phone all AM regarding work and she sounds better.
Glad things are improving on your end. I personally don't think rushing anyone back is the right thing, however I have had employees test positive who have said "I feel fine" - those are usually the ones who want to come back earlier (because the can only use PTO/sick time - we don't pay for it). If you got knocked out with it - then take all the time you need. I think if you rush them back, you're asking for problems.
That's BS!! I'm a full week with no taste or smell. I don't even know if the 6lbs of deer jerky I made is any good 3 1/2 days symptom free. Work says I can return Thursday using CDC guidelines, but Health Dept. says I have to wait for them to give me a letter ending my quarantine. Work should be calling this week, will have to see what they say. I'm just ready to enjoy some food again, drinks really don't matter, but the food has to come back.
That's hilarious, I still haven't even heard from the health department at all. For quicker taste/smell restoration, gargle with alcohol-based mouthwash 3x daily. I heard that helps and seeing as how mine returned within 3 days... can't hurt.
Well good chance I might be joining in on this party! My daughter just tested positive for covid. I had some small symptoms today. Upset stomach, slightly runny nose this morning and a dull headache on and off. As of now I don't plan to get tested unless symptoms get worse. But I will have to stay home with my kids until they can return to school. Let's see what happens. I'm doubling up on vitamins starting today. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Corrected my previous post as I am a full week without taste/smell not 2. Was meaning to say going into 2nd week without it
I would say I had/have a pretty mild case and no way I feel/sound well enough to really go out in public. Still coughing quite a bit. And I am 7 days+ after symptoms began.
I'd say we had more cases at work in past 30 days than we had since it all started. And we are near 'fully vaxxed'.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday recommended shorter Covid isolation and quarantine time for all Americans. The CDC made the announcement shortly after Biden said “there is no federal solution to Covid.” With Omicron cases spiking, longer quarantine times would threaten to crush airlines, hospitals and other businesses. All of a sudden the CDC is acknowledging there is evidence people are most infectious in the two days before and three days after symptoms manifest. and now the lib fake news media is pissed 'cause the OHMIGODweareallgonnadie CCP virus isnt wiping out the world and most say it is equal to a bad cold ...... if one lost sense of taste and smell, it is 'prolly Delta or Alpha you had, if it is common cold symptoms it is the OHMIGOD virus .. The symptoms of both variants are different from each other. Experts reveal that fatigue, joint pain, cold and headaches are four common signs of omicron that are different from that of the Delta variant. Apart from these, loss of smell and taste, which were common signs of Delta/Alpha, were hardly seen in the case of the Omicron.
To prevent an economic collapse the cdc keeps reducing the days of isolation. Didnt we say that 2 years ago?
Seen that, 5 days quarantined if asymptomatic then 5 day with a mask when around people. To me it says that while this latest Omicron variant is spreading fast it is not nearly as dangerous as first believ... Err fear mongered. I've had the 2 shots, booster and the virus. The booster had no benefit in this case as I was infected the previous day. My symptoms were equal to or perhaps even worse, albeit minimally, than @dnoodles without a shot. I'm 6' 1" 238lbs with high blood pressure, not exactly obese, but not a fiddle either Hell for all I know it was the booster and not the virus that got me, but not sure I have heard of losing taste/smell from a shot so it was likely the virus.
Hmmm, maybe your symptoms were a little worse than mine. Mine lasted 5 1/2 days, Sunday thru mid afternoon Friday.
I sound way worse than I feel. Don't cough much freqrency-wise but when I do it's deep and gross sounding. Just saying if I was around someone who sounded like me I'd be pissed they were out in public.