Where I'm thinking I effed up is by not leaving once I got my ham like I always do. Held it at the VFW so after I got ham and put it in the truck i wemt back in to the bar. I'm betting had I not done that I would be at work this week getting paid. I'll have to see if IL is still waiving the 1 week unemployment claim wait or not. Won't be worth it for just 2 days, but if I can get all 6 it would be.
I can't wait until I can smell and taste again. Eating seems more like a chore now, not enjoyable but it has to be done.
Noy passing up free food, was only a 13 pound ham this year. I've always thought it was turkey on Thanksgiving, ham on Christmas. Was wanting to do a prime rib this year, but no way in hell am I paying $200 for one
mild head cold right now. Mostly out of my chest, just runny nose and sneezing a bit. Woke up this AM with a sore throat, but I slept on my back and woke up at about 4am with my mouth wide open (nose is stuffy) and with the dry winter air and post nasal drip...gross. Anyway, laid in bed till about 10a, then decided if I was going to get up it had better be then. Hopped in the shower, knocked back a half pot of coffee and felt pretty good. Mrs. Noodles is nauseaus and has same cold stuff. I got all that special medicine today and don't even think I am going to take any of it. Long as I don't go backwards anyway. how you feeling?
we bought 3 boned out legs of lamb for me, Mrs, and her family. Now we can't go. (merry Christmas, tooooooo meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) Christmas Covid is the best Covid.
I maintain that my steady diet of Kentucky (and Missouri) windage is what kept me from getting a bad case. This literally has the same amount of logic and evidence that the jabs keep people from getting severe cases. Prove me wrong. Before I got the results, Mrs. Noodles told me earlier today (somewhat petulantly I might add) that she didn't think I had C19 because I was less worse off than she. I asked why. She said because you're older, you have HBP, and you're blood type A-. I looked at her and said yeah, but I drink whiskey. And then I went to the cabinet and poured myself one.
I'm waiting until Saturday or so. PastorJim mentiomed he felt good after 4 days and went on a 5 mile run and had a downturn after. Then just this morning had a previous healthcare worker friend state something similar. She had it for a couple weeks mild at first then had a downturn as well. So far my last negative test symptoms were worse. Damn dry cough is what bugs me
mine has been semi-productive since towards the end of Monday. You will not see me trying to run 1 mile much less 5 in the next 2-3 months at least. I do not do well in cold air running. In all honesty, I will give it a couple weeks before I try anything strenuous.
oh, yeah, dry cough- Vick's vapo rub. Nebulizer if you can find one. Any time I get a dry chest cold I use one. Hillbilly way is to put a smear on the shower wall and turn up the water as hot as you can stand it.
I just read up on the loss of taste/smell and it appears the normal range of that symptom is 3-5 days after other symptom onset; so in reality I am on the front end of that window. So I won't crow too much yet.
I lost mine Day 2, I don't recall having any symptoms Saturday but I sleep with a fan on and not uncommon to wake up with a scratchy throat. It's by far been the worst part for me. Had some bacon tonight, couldn't smell or taste it. Eff China
that sucks. Take the opportunity to lose weight, I guess. Eat nothing but tuna fish. Filling, pure protein.