PinkPony and Sota, here is some light reading for you all will get you what you need, telemedicine and Rx meds to your door. It's not cheap. But it's worth it. Most national level pharmacies won't touch ivermectin with a 10' pole, but I have a local independant that took my ivy script but big ones like Costco will fill HCQ (guess because it's approved and in commom use for rhuematoid arthritis.)
If the ones reliant on SSI have been removed, that isn't suicide so much as homicide from one party against the other. And if the ones on the teat are provided other forms of "income" then there will still be plenty who are on the teat, even more so if the "flood" gates are left open. Thus bolstering one side of the scale pretty heavily. But yeah, to prove it would be quite the tack.
If anyone that says it was anything but a pangolin they should be immediately flagged for misinformation.
Germ is correct here, it's what pundits do with those data points that is suspect. Problem is there are plenty of pundits on TV posing as physicians these days.
have you seen the new Pandemic Special episodes on Paramount+? Definitely worth the subscription for a month.
I don't believe it necessarily was Chinese people only. However, 30 countries offer some sort of "social security" to their people in the retirement system. So it could have been a scheme for the people involved. But, proving any of it, I'm sure is near impossible. It is only my thoughts. Those things that make you go "hmmm" from the beginning.
given that at least domestically the vast majority of C19 deaths are in people who would more than likely be dead within a decade anyway; I don't know how economically viable this theory is- lost productivity of all the shutdowns and sick time lost would seem to far outweigh the 'dead weight' lost via 'attrition' (being a euphamism for deaths.) Now as a strategy to eliminate a large percentage of a specific voting block that statistically tends ot vote one way, and create a new generation of mindless drug-addicted government-fed leeches that typically vote the other way...that's a theory I am willing to entertain.
Eugenics at work ? ... smh ... its not that far fetched, all one has to do is look at all those in history that killed millions, some still are .. hell, even the New York Times was denying what was happening to the jews in the '40's ... Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, even now mass genocide of the Uyghurs in China, mass genocide in Sudan, Christians in the Mideast, mass genocide is continuing today .... The US Army has created a vaccine it looks like. To everyone sick with covid right now, I hope y’all recover quick and have a good holiday! Pfizer Anti-Viral Pill was FDA approved today as well. Thanks to all you front line workers busting ass through this holiday surge. You’re more than appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
After the New Year I am going to be like Lieutenant Dan riding in the crows nest on Jenny in a hurricane.
So Pfi$er has a FDA-approved pill out now that allegedly reduces risk of hospitalization by 86%; and the new O-variant is 80% less likely to cause hospitalization (O-variant does not cause deaths); that pretty much negates *any* rational basis for any jab mandates. Between those 2 developments, that means statistically your chance of dying from C19 are less than that of regular flu. Plandemic over.
still don't have my official test results back... IIRC, last time I took one at CVS I received text overnight appx. 36 hours after my test.