3rd dose give me good odds, I did check. My job is to protect myself and my family, sorry if you are out and not vaccinated, not my issue anymore. I think you folks don't get it, I really don't give a hoot what anyone else does. The folks working the frontlines I have talked to said to get the vaccine. Not one has said, hey stay home, don't live life. They said to get it so we can go back to normal life. Does anyone think westfinger is making up 76% are unvaccinated? Or patience are being turned away? Wanna talk about hypocrisy, where is it? Hey, I am listening to folks on the front lines, now it's turned into it's my responsibility to get others safe? Sorry not my job, if your an older work at a school, and are not vaccinated, well good luck to you. I am going to do what I can to keep myself out of the hospital for COVID, TFJ you choose how you want to deal with this. Say it again, live how you want, I have only expressed what I am doing.
Glad to hear she is feeling better! Thanks for checking in on us! We are doing okay. My wife still has the severe sinus infection feeling and now she can't smell or taste. I had bad gas earlier and ripped one right near her, and she couldn't smell it. My body is trying to fight it off, but I'm extremely run down and have a slamming headache, minor sore throat. I can still taste and smell. hoping this is as bad as it gets for me. I hope your wife continues to feel better and improves!!
hmmmmm, kinda sounds like the regular FLU ..... several I know have had 'something' similar, they all came back with tested negative for the CCP virus .... slight fever, body aches, chills, the craps, sore throat, etc .. all 4 tested negative .. lasted a week or so .. if one has been jabbed, your immune system fighting abilities for normal 'bugs' has been reduced, worse if youve taken a booster ..
Again another DA assumption I am vaccinated the second dose put me in the ER, read instead of waiting to post.
Talk about DA, I am not talking about you, in fact If you read what I am doing and you choose what you want to do. Seriously how hard is that to understand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dude, back off. He already said she tested positive, and no smell/taste ain't the normal flu. you're barking up the wrong tree here. They have serious health conditions and did what they felt was best. @Swamp Stalker is one of the most respected hunters (and best memers) here. Just wish them well or don't say anything at all.
just some factual events and facts about the jabs .. nothing personal ... sheesh .. as another would say .. lighten up Francis ..
Odd, currently waiting to get a Covid test at urgent care. Told them I needed to get a test, asked if I had symptoms, said yes. Took my name and told me to take a seat and they would call me up. Asked inside or in my truck? Last time I had to wait in my truck and they came out and swabbed me. Told me inside until they get me registered.
It has been three months for us, unvaccinated, other than my wife still not quite having her full sense of smell back, we are all doing great. Three months in and it still doesn't matter if I do this. The freedom is amazing!
Nope, I have D3, ZINC and C from awhile ago when I was exposed and certain I would have it. No scripts or anything different.