Heard earlier today the Biden admin. gave out a list of things causing inflation. One of them was the unvaccinated keeping unemployed workers from returning to work. Wonder what the vaccination rate is on the unemployed vs those who never left the workforce?
I still can not believe that there are some people that dismiss people who question the whole covid BS, how do you not put 2 and 2 together there is so much hyprocracy "leaders" who say wear the mask yet they are seen not wearing masks in groups. Hypocrites are a huge red flag and we have all see it.
Aside from being patently ridiculous on its face, they are echoing the complaints against the Jews of 1935 Germany. Unclean.
Gonna say, at times I tune you out due to the links you post instead of posting original thought but gotta say
This is Bullshit… I just had a customer who was 31 years old with 4 children and no underlying conditions die of Covid 24 hours after going to the hospital with symptoms of not being able to breath well Oh yeah… she was vaccinated and had her booster 2 weeks ago…. And you will never hear about her on the news or sites you listen too .. I am gutted…. I cannot believe how trusting people are of the government and the pushers of this ****…. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
About as absurd as saying they will stop admitting the sick and injured into hospitals unless all staff get vaccinated.
That was the hospital in Michigan near grand rapids the of the Admin experience. Is it bull **** his staff is tiring and had enough? Or simple if it does not bother us who cares? Been mentioned here by a doctor the same thing we hear from ICU and hospitals. Does anyone believe the people in the hospitals are lying?
Based on your description of the symptoms and quick onset, I venture to guess it's as likely she died from the vaccine as C19. It's well documented that your immune system takes a huge hit in the first couple weeks after getting the shots. Ask @Sota
I know for a fact some are. There are incentives to, politically and in funding. And the actual HCW professionals who have courage to do so are fired for speaking out.
Where was that? Literally threatening to endanger the community to achieve a political end? They should be tried and convicted for terrorism.
just read where Japan is now putting out warnings prior to getting the Jabbs, plus, they are NOT forcing anyone to get jabbed .. https://rairfoundation.com/alert-ja...arning-on-vaccines-requires-informed-consent/
Just read up on that. One, only a judge can order the release of the prisoners. Pima County board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to mandate County employees get the shots. The Sheriff could, just like the LA County Sheriff, tell the board of supervisors to pound sand. Second, and most important, in October 2021, the Governor of AZ issued an Ex O banning mandates for public and private employees.
Been waiting a few days to share this, and it’s been a rough weekend. but my grandparents, and great aunt recently were diagnosed with covid, all three are in their late 70s, all three have major health issues, all three are/or are near the point of being morbidly obese. All vaccinated as well. Last shot was maybe 5 months ago for my grandparents, unknown for my aunt. My grandparents got diagnosed early, about a day after showing moderate symptoms, and went to one of those infusion centers the day they were diagnosed. I don’t know much about the centers except they are popular in FL. But it’s monoclonal antibody therapy. They begin feeling better that day. And are recovering well, my great aunt wasn’t able to get to one for another day or two, her condition went down pretty rapidly, she was starting to have serious breathing issues, Eventually she got to one of those centers and started improving a couple hours after the injections. She is doing much better today and is on her feet. I’m not saying they would have died, but they are about as easy pickings statistically for covid as you can get. Those regeneron treatments work! And quickly, Why aren’t they being pushed? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My wife had the monoclonal antibody therapy when our family had COVID back in September. That was our treatment plan all along since we refuse to inject ourselves with an experimental vaccine. Why is it not promoted more? Three reasons: 1) Our idiot government spent billions on vaccines to "give" them out to people, the government foolishly believed that everyone trusts them 2) Big Pharma profits off vaccinations, monoclonal antibody therapy has about as much cash value as a blood transfusion 3) Antibody therapy, like blood transfusions, is dependent upon the generosity of willing donors, it can't be synthesized in a lab. Like blood transfusions, not everyone is healthy enough to qualify as a donor. Being a donor requires having a strong enough immune system to fight off COVID with little to no treatment, something that is not that common in our fat, sick, and nearly dead modern society.