I wish someone would send a You tube link to Dr. JOHN CAMPBELL.to Fauci If you want to feel better watch today's stream.
it seems that the 'OHMIGODwereallgonnadie' variant may not be worse than a common cold ... Omicron Variant Shares Genetic Code With Common Cold, Researchers Say https://nationalfile.com/omicron-variant-shares-genetic-code-common-cold-researchers-say/ The Omicron variant has also tended to infect people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This was the case in Botswana, where four vaccinated people contracted the virus, in California where one vaccinated person contracted the virus, and in Colorado where a vaccinated person contracted the virus, among other locations. This has led some to refer to the variant as “The Vaccinated Variant.”
I cannot believe the American people give up so much power to the Executive branch. De Blasio crapping on NYC during his last weeks by forcing all workers to get the vaccine. No resistance. I'd say 4 million people just say f you and continue life as normal. Do something De Blasio....
well, it is NYC, many there are conditioned to the ways of socialism/Marxisim already ... starts Dec. 27th, AFTER the Christmas shopping is thru ..... gotta get those sales tax dollars first .... smh ..
I'm not in NYC but thinking that t-at in the gov. Office will try the same across state. Remember my warning of woman in office. Not all but it's like putting a gun in A Baldwin's hand. My first words were F_Y. Now for those not watching Dr. Campbell if you get a shot or booster...take care of yourself make sure needle is aspirated to MAKE SURE the vaccine is NOT injected into your blood stream instead of intermuscular
One of the things that pisses me off about covid is the people who use covid as an excuse to control people. I had to drive to the clinic/hospital I used to go to to pick up a prescription. I got there and parked and rummaged around by computer bag for a mask. I specifically chose a fabric mask to wear into the pharmacy. I walk in the front door and there is a woman that sits there and makes sure you have your mask on and use sanitizer as you go into the clinic. I was not going into the clinic I was going to the pharmacy had my mask on so I was none of her damn business. I saw how she operates and treats people in the past so I was prepared. I explained I was going to the pharmacy so no need to stop me, I got the excuse me sir, we at fairview prefer that people have the paper fabric mask rather than my fabric one. I said is that right? Yes sir we do. I replied would you like to follow me into the pharmacy so I can show you where fairview pharmacy is displaying fabric masks in assorted colors for sale? Makes me want to go back next week and do it again.
My son had some medical stuff done a few weeks ago and his stomach hurt. I picked him up from school and the lady in the front of the office asked why I was picking him up. I said stomach ache. I don't have to tell amyone that is from iv steroids the day before. She then loudly says.."is he getting a covid test?" in front of a bunch of people. I asked her in front of some admin staff if all staff in the building are required to get a covid test based on a sore stomach based on whatever to include PMS symptoms. She just stared at me as did the admin staff. Just get my damn kid lady.