I got tested but it's because I wanted to document for work if positive. Infections qual as worker's comp for us, 2 weeks of c19 leave that doesn't apply to regular SL, and plus gets me out of the shot mandate for minimum of 90 days. And those are just the selfish reasons. I would actually quarantine/isolate for real with C19 (well, in the deer woods that is,) but with a cold, only while I am nasty.
so is the flu , and the common cold ... quit worrying and enjoy life ... waaaay to many hypochondriacs out there .... they get a sniffle, or a slight ache and off to the doc they go ... we are now in a country full of pansified hypochondriacs ....
Yup. Pretty strong indicators this variant evolved to infect and spread in those with the mRNA shots (due to the unique genetic properties of the shots.) Not that it's necessarily a bad thing. I have yet to hear of a bad case of the O. The South African Doctor who first identified it said that in all the patients she had seen (something like 30-40 IIRC) the only ones who were symptomatic had a minimum of BOTH shots, and even then their symptoms were mild. The people without shots or having only one shot had no symptoms at all. Some people are theorizing it developed in people with HIV, but there are studies showing that the shots have a record of lowering patient's killer T-cells, similar to HIV. Why is that significant? The virus actively lives for much longer in people with that lower T-cell condition, allowing it to evolve more generations inside said host. Supposedly the O has appx. 10 more distinct significant spike protein mutations compared to the D variant. Both scenarios are at least plausible, but given who O is infecting and affecting, it would seem to be targeting their mRNA. It could have been someone with HIV who also had the shots. In most of the developed world, the majority of the population is now 'double shotted' and in many counrtries even have had boosters. So what's the virus gonna do? Figure out a way to spread through that population.
by then your over it .... now Biden wants to restrict travel IN the US, dont think the clown can do that, because of the commerce clause, and 'prolly other constitutional rights .... look up tyranny, and a pic of O'Biden shows up I'll bet ... smh
All my classes for the rest of the semester are back to virtual. Fine by me, I hate going out in public anyways.
Yep, for me to go to the Dr it is something that won't go away. I would not hesitate to get tested if I had symptoms.
Yeah but your profession....Then again I go places and talk to groups of people last thing I want to do. It is like you are acting.
Did I miss something? Unless he is a teacher, how is his covid stay at home pay costing you a dime for child care?
I believe his point is even if you are home with covid, or your kid is you still have to pay for daycare even if the kid is not there.
So how is that my fault? My 30 hours costs him $900. I guess I have already cost him $3,900 for the 130 hours I have already used? Nowhere did I say it is what everyone should do, the question was what would I do. When I run out of Covid pay I'll call my work and ask them what they want me to do. I'd probably still go get a test just for the fact I would have a Dr. release and not get dinged for calling in.