Been just shy of 2 years here and Prickster continues to renew his Emergency Powers. As long as the judicial system will allow them is your answer most likely. Will likely make it to the SCOTUS at some point, yet another reason the elitists in DC want to revamp the court their way, for their reasons.
so....much...WINNING. Hot off the press, another victory for personal freedom- Federal judge blocks Biden vaccine mandate for health care workers nationwide | Fox News This one protects HCWs nationally - Let's Go Brandon!
Wow the school in town is a little different. My wife is going to get her booster tomorrow, she mentioned that at school today they don't take kindly to vaccinated people. Hard to believe I could find a more backwards place than Zimmerman MN. It is weird though there is a great divide in the area with demographics.
410 pages, that has to be a record lol. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
FoxNews and WaPo are reporting that on Thursday, the WH is expected to announce "the most expansive and extensive C-19 restrictions yet" to include a 7-day quarantine order on anyone entering the US though a Port of Entry (POEs, airports and legal land border crossings) including US Citizens (but DOES NOT include illegals apprehended away from said POEs) That's going to be very popular. They just got their ****s kicked in by being on the losing end of 4 Temporary Restraining Orders in 2 days, and this is their response? Punish the Citizens? The same week the CDC changes policy to state that 'fully vaccinated' means 2 shots + boosters. Buckle up, boys and girls.
dude, I know you love your wife- how do you let her do that to herself? Buy her a hundred more crystals or something. Anything but more spike proteins. Did she learn nothing from your hospitalization?
no, they are petty and vindictive but not stupid or ignorant. They want the chaos, when you accept that fact everything becomes crystal clear.
you are a more charitable man than I. Stupidity should have personal consequences. At the very least, I just want them to disappear and stop voting. Forever. Hell, I will plug them into a feeding tube and pay for the wireless that feeds them their virtual reality. Just stop affecting my life.
She has elderly parents, she will look after the grandson when my daughter delivers she has her reasons I respect that just like I have reasons why I will not get a booster.