My observations across the board from a decent pool of people that have had it is that these vaccines do little to absolutely nothing. Maybe their effectiveness is just very short lived? Of course we will never ever be told that. It’s clear to me though and I will never get another one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are on to something thing is people are skeptical because of misinformation and "lying to us for our own good" and the results of covid and vaccination break thru people are skeptical and there are some people who blame the unvaccinated without critical thinking. You suckered me into the vaccine and based on my bodies reaction it is a hard no on a booster.
I know of vaccinated people that have died. One in their early 50’s. The vast majority of my hypothesis comes from people that get it and recover. There seems no difference between the groups. I know of plenty of vaccinated people that got Covid 19 and got the same symptoms and just as sick as vaccinated did. It’s a farce. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok, so I'm at a new level of confused with Dr. Fauxi. So, if you gather for Thanksgiving, and yourself and everyone there is vaccinated, you have no worries in the world. You are safe as can be, you are all vaccinated, enjoy your maskless holiday. Same scenario as above, but cousin Eddie shows up, he's unvaccinated and proud of it. You are all at risk from cousin Eddie, you might die. Cousin Eddie must leave or everyone needs to dawn a mask and protect themselves from cousin Eddie. It is a very unsafe gathering for the vaccinated, because of Eddie. New scenario, you and everyone else are unvaccinated. You don't give a chit either. You have your holiday gathering full of close encounters and no masks If no one in attendance in all 3 scenarios is positive for Covid, what is the risk factor for all involved? Who is most at risk? The vaccinated or the unvaccinated? What happens in scenario one if one of the vaccinated is actually asymptomatic positive unknowingly? Same for scenario 2, both ways, either one of the fully vaccinated is positive or cousin Eddie is positive. Both asymptomatic, who are the ones most at risk? Scenario 3 really has no most at risk question, but if all are unvaccinated and no one has it, where is the risk? This big push to make sure everyone gets at least 3 doses makes me feel they are insinuating that the vaccinated are more at risk from the unvaccinated. If you have had the 2 shots and you catch it, you could be worse off than if you hadn't so you better get that 3rd shot quick. Something does not add up in all this. I hope I am not the only one that would like to bop Fauxi in the nose if I ever seen him. Hopefully he has a family member this holiday season that feels the same way.
He is complicit in the deaths of millions of people worldwide. He not only funded the development of the virus, he facilitated the spread with asinine policy advice, then prohibits the use of treatment of effective cheap prophylactics and therapies, covered all of that up, and is now the top advocate for 'vaccines' which are in fact not vaccines and at best are only fairly effective therapueutics. He deserves to be tried at The Hague for crimes against humanity, and sentenced to the same fate Dr. Mengele should have suffered.
my sister and BiL have come down with it. Sister has bad cold type symptoms for about 4 days, BiL light cold. Both are obese, lower 40s. My sister smoked like a chimney until she quit about 5 years ago. Fingers crossed.
You cant believe a damn word that comes from Fauchi, the CDC, Nih, the fake news media or any of the vax nannies ... they are covering up so much ...WHY is Pfizer pushing off release of documents for 55 years ?? .. WHY ?? ... first it was wait two weeks, lockdowns, Masks (which dont work), stay 6 ft away, then came the jabs, first it was said only one, then they said two, but two stops working in a short time now they are saying boosters, then when those stop working another round of boosters, and another, and another, etc. all the while there is evidence these jabs weaken the body's natural immune system with each subsequet jab, not to mention you can STILL get sick, pass the CCP virus on or even die .. ...the jabs give kids myocardis, adults get blood clots and worse, some drop dead days to a few weeks after ... this madness only stops when we say FU Fauchi and end the madness ourselves ....
You were absolutely right. Up 20 hrs in a row and could barely sleep but a few hrs the last 2 days. Lol. Ruined 2 morning hunts but oh well.
Allegedly every case of OMRICON (oooo very scary name) has been found in a supposedly vaccinated patient. (No idea which version/s). Doctors are claiming it likely mutated in a person with a suppressed/altered immune system... you know, like someone with foreign mRNA in their bodies. Who woulda thunk?
Well New variant from Africa...Now who is seriously imbedded in Africa right now?...What did I tell you months ago. Multiple mutations within this one...Man made mutations?, crickets so far....Hhhmmmm China's never ending story. Also did you watch Australia's 60 min China interview? You Really , really need to.
Now they are claiming all these African variants and Asian variants are the result of rich white Western nations refusing to share the vaccine reserves. Do you see all this crap? Everything is reported for a reason and in the fashion that it is. These are lying manipulative sons of bitches in the media.
Africa has a very, very low infection rate. Lots of sunshine and OTC Ivermectin (for malaria and another parasite) as far as the eye can see...
So I got info, can't say where but actual hands on the making if these new pills that work...Though....are being slow walked. BTW Not having family members vaccinated....need to clarify the source not doing this.
Covid will not end until we get to the Omega(last) variant. Sent from my iPhone using Forums