if this is on going for 3 weeks, it aint the CCP virus, as Justin said, it is likely something else .... my head/sinus take a beating this time of year, every year, usually due to dryness of the air .... I get stuffed up over night, blow it out when I shower after waking and just sniffle a tad for the day... sleep, wake, repeat ... no biggie for me ..
Pneumonia is actually higher then normal right now, too....and NOT c-pneumonia. I had an employee who tested for covid, but it was negative and ended up being diagnosed with pneumonia. Think that wiped her out more than what others have had. She ended up getting some steroid shots and started on the upside.
0317, I had your problem for years, Usually turned into sinus infection, Finally started using mucinex sinus when it first hits, has been a big help
Get yourself a NeilMed sinus rinse bottle. It works wonders to flush your head out. They are not much $.
Not sure if I missed it Justin but you thought your kiddo had covid again in 30 days. What happened if you don't mind me asking. I just want to know if that's a thing In Venatione Veritas
Tested her twice - both negative. Not sure what the deal was, but it was EXACTLY the same symptoms as before. Lasted about two days then went back to normal. I have a hard time believing it wasn't C19 or related somehow, but who knows for sure. We did the at-home Binax tests. She never got a PCR test this time around.
My daughter is due to deliver here mid december. She gets tested every monday and the day she is admitted. Her husband is not being tested at any point and can attend the birth.
I had a guy out since then 15th w/low fever, aches, chills, had nausea/craps, tested negative for the CCP virus, he'll be back Thurs AM finally .. so I am putting off my tree time till my days off, Fri/Sat. ... thank goodness gun ends this Sunday ...
I got tested with both Covid tests at the doc on the 5th. Negative tests. They were scared to even get close to me after they thought I had covid. I need to go back and get my blood drawn. I'm a high energy person and I dont have much in the tank.
look at your diet also, and start taking Vitamin D3/Zinc/and C .. just recommended doses on the bottles, these encourage immune health, if you feel something coming on , double the dose and no more than that, take with meals .. been using these for many years, I also eat fairly healthy being a runner, but that does kinda go out the windowthis time of year during the holidays, I get back into healthy eating after Jan. 1st ..
I did not fact check these two sources - but we have experienced this in our own ambulance service just recently, too.
I am not saying it doesn't affect people really badly, but literally everyone I personally know that has had C19 (somewhere in the 20-30 range just off the top of my head) only 3 had anything close to a hospitalization. One of my guys at work was hospitalized with pneumonia back in February 2020, very early on when the virus was most deadly form. He's WM, 46, and has (already had) myocarditis and is overweight bordering on obese. He also is way too stressed and drinks too much. The second was my old work partner, he also had it in February 2020 and was almost hospitalized. He's WM, 34, and in great shape (triathalete.) He is Type A+ blood, which has a significantly higher rate of infection and severe illness. It took him about 6 weeks to start running again. The third was my father, who is WM, 66, obese, has HBP and a history of heart attack and blood clots. He takes HCQ for arthritis. He nearly had to go to the hospital for shortness of breath and incessant coughing/fluid in lungs; but once he started taking my mom's prescription prednisone, he had an overnight rebound and was feeling mostly normal within 48 hours. His blood type is B-. Higher risk of severe illness than O, but not as high as A. I do know one black female co-worker who was hospitalized for several weeks, but I heard from a 3rd party that she was diabetic. So out of the 20+ people I know, most were asymptomatic or only had cold-type issues for a few days. Only 4 had it bad, and the only 2 that ended up in the hospital had serious existing health conditions.
Same. I know one that died and one that ended up in ICU - both with severe health issues and both over-weight/unhealthy.
and oh, yeah- everyone I know lived with no longstanding issues and all of them were before the shots (or in the case of my father, shortly after the shots became available. He did not have the shots.) Conversely, I know 2 people who ended up in the ER due to the shots.