The source that provides the confirmation bias your looking for is the only one with credibility. I don’t mean you specifically but in general. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t bother wasting my time with topics like this.
I am not looking for bias, I have seen enough to question this whole process. So many people assume that you question the vaccine that you are resistant. I took two rounds of mederno and the second shot hospitalized me. There is a curiosity that trained medical professionals are choosing to not get vaccinated. Thing is we have watched inconsistencies in leaders actions vs what they require, the spearhead of covid response admitting he lied to the public for our own good, requirements that make zero sense. It all makes people question it all. On the other side dismissive critics that reject any skepticism.
there is more than enough evidence that shows for some the vaxes can be deadly or seriously injure a person and NO ONE knows for sure what the 'spikes' will do to a person years down the road ...... these vaxes were rushed out and not thoughly tested .. look at all the drugs that have been recalled and pulled from the market years after use when the real negative effects became known ... I worry about these kids getting the jab, the vax harming pregnant women, blood clots, myocardis, etc. the list is long ... the risk of a healthy person surviving a CCP virus infection IS high, sure some may not, but (95% or more will) ... if one is old, overweight, co-morbidities (diabetes, etc.), then the vax may be worth that risk .... While I will never win Powerball, with my luck, one or two jabs and I'm dead ... nope, no matter how low those odds are, I'm not taking that risk, not when I am a 100% pure blood and healthy ....
Guys don’t get the vaccine. I don’t care. I’m not here to convince you to do it. I’m just sharing my experiences. I’m going back to the hunting stuff since I can’t get in a tree myself this weekend.
When I fine one that worked in icu and dealt directly with COVID patience yes , I just don’t know any. Alll the folks I know say “ you don’t want this crap” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Enjoy your hunting and sorry for this mess. Thank you for all your work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
well, I was correct on what would happen if Biden got into office, I was correct on what would happen if Obummer got into office, I was correct on the fake Russian dossier and correct on the false Ukraine crapola, etc. ... if one wants to risk or not risk what these vaxxes may or may not do to a person, have at it ....
He can go eff himself and the virus he helped create. Newsflash, the term "fully vaccinated" is a farce from the get go, you will never be fully vaccinated as you can still get and transmit it. Why don't they come out and call it what it truly is "passport shots" and your passport will expire every 7 months. Renew it by getting another boosted booster shot.
As you recall I was told by my son's doc to wait for him. I listen to the experts and the folks fighting this that I know.
I think I have some kind of bacterial infection in my bronchial tube or walking pneumonia. 3 weeks of being under the weather and I'm starting to cough. No energy .
Home Covid test kits, makes you feel good about only being an infection or pneumonia. After thanksgiving desert we are all covid testing before we head to my Mom and Dad's on Friday for a second Thanksgiving.
I got covid tested with onset of symptoms 3 weeks ago. Negative. They failed to test me for anything else.
When I got sick and went to the doctor they tested me for strep and flu in addition to Covid. Same with my kid when he went to his pediatrician. If you go to a drive-thru Covid testing facility then yes, they are only going to test you for Covid. That's kind of the point.
Have you been to a doctor, or just taken a C19 test? My guess is that a doctor would put you on some sort of steroid and possibly an antibiotic as well.