2 CBD omega 8 and 1 zquil, you will sleep like Michael Jackson. Not like when he died, but when his Dr knocked him out without killing him.
FJB!!!!!! How much you want to bet, restrictions start to be lifted, AGAIN, then when this wave hits so does a surge in cases and mandates are put back into place because "Pro-Trumpers" refuse the vaccine. Just like the last big illegal immigration wav...... err... raid on the border. Until that Asshat and his princess in charge of the border in the White House closes the border we'll never see relief from Covid. All you "Orange Man Bad" people have got to admit, this border raid would have never happened with Trump in office. Say what you want about Trump's handling of it in the beginning, you cannot deny that Biden's policies have been far worse than anything Trump has ever done. For migrants fleeing such horrible living conditions, they sure look well fed and well dressed. Just saying....
this is big news .. New Vaccine Science Shows Mandates Are Unwise New scientific findings in the prestigious Lancet Infectious Diseases journal blow a hole in the argument that workers need to get vaccinated to protect those around them. The findings prove the foolishness of forcing police and other public employees to get jabbed or lose their pay. And President Joe Biden should retract his order to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to compel large employers to mandate vaccines. The journal reported Thursday that COVID-19 vaccines have “minimal” impact on preventing transmission of the delta strain. Delta is the COVID strain currently causing over 99% of U.S. cases. https://thelibertyloft.com/2021/11/03/new-vaccine-science-shows-mandates-are-unwise/ Vaccines protect the people getting the shots from serious illness, but they don’t stop the delta variant from spreading to others.
Well, the mandation is coming country wide - soon it'll be for everyone. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-covid-vaccine-mandate-implement-january-4/
The BS thing about that the administration has not submitted a written order, preventing a lawsuit against implementation.
Oh I am sure there will be. Unfortunately I live in a state that our governor sucks as much as the president - so I know PA wont be included.
I have no idea. I have zero idea why the democrats still want to force the vaccine that is not a vaccine. Better yet prominent democrats calling people idiots for not getting the vaccine when the VP herself was on camera saying I am not getting that Trump vaccine, soon as Joe is elected they all want the vaccine. Liberals are emotionally retarded and who follows and votes for them are emotionally retarted as well, they have two cards to play 1 the race card 2 the it's not fair card.
Right now its all smoke and mirrors. The media outlets publicize these "criteria" and that they are going to make it official, but then it has yet to cross that finish line. My guess there is that if they don't actually ever make it official, then there isn't anything you can go to court for, thus my question as to what happens if the courts refuse to acknowledge the cases.
Just like congress exempted themselves when shoving Obamacare down the nations throats, Biden exempted congress and many other government institutions from his vaccime mandate. Likely to stop a pushback from them at the federal level, yet allows them to stand behind it as it does not affect them to do so. How many of them do you think are truly "vaccinated"? All the photo ops, fake studio settings showing them getting a shot or booster shot. Was it a flu shot? Saline? Maybe a safe Tetnus shot? I trust the government as much as they trust me, end of story. IL still has its reinstated mask mandate in place, have not heard when or if it may be lifted again, only JB Prickster stating he may lift it eventually, but only when numbers drop to his level. Which he will not reveal such number to reach his level. I have not and will not wear a mask, period. I don't get wierd looks, no one has ever said a word. Cashiers still talk to me as they did in 2019. I have done everything wrong since about 3 months after the original lockdowns/mandates when I realized they were full chit on half their reasonings. Yet I have never knowingly had Covid, been tested 3 times. One pre surgery requirement, one exposure greater than their threshold and one symptoms, all negative. Yet, I should continue, in their eyes, to wear a mask, socially distance and live my life in fear of a Chinese escapee for how many years to come? When it's good enough for me, but not for the law makers and rule makers of the country, color me skeptical.
Not quite accurate, we have had 111 additional breakthrough deaths from last weeks report to this week. They “reporting” garbage numbers make things look better than they are. This weeks total number of MN deaths is 8,793 and last weeks total number was 8,653. Total death increase from last week to this week 140, breakthrough deaths from last week to this week 111. While I know that not all of those 111 happened in a 1 week period (inconsistent garbage data collecting) I do know that the hailed .015% number of deaths from the vaccinated is pure garbage. I want to know how many vaccinated people died last week vs. how many unvaccinated people died last week. That number would shock everyone I think.
To get a more accurate picture of what's happening you also need to know the age groups of those who passed away along with the time since vaccination. Comorbidity is a good thing to know as well.