Yeah, my job does play those games. They'll send your ass home and have a termination email in your inbox before you pull in to your drive way.
Another one bites the dust.... Driver 3 confirmed positive. His quarantine is 10 days AFTER symptoms go away. So if he has a lingering cough, I wonder if it's never going away? I told him to go 10 days after fever breaks.
I have been told so many different. Ten days from first symptoms, ten days from the day your fever breaks, ten days from when your symptoms are all gone. It was 14 days in 2020 - but somewhere along 2021 it was changed to 10.
Well I'm on day 3 and it's not horrible but it's$hitty. The teeth chattering chills are the worst so far. Fever sucks and body aches do as well but thank God it's not crazy.... Yet In Venatione Veritas
I thought the 10 and 14 days were quarantine times for exposures. If you have confirmed covid and get over it it was 72 hours fever and symptom free to be beyond the contagious period...
My buddy just called me one person came to his office coughing just a cold. Now have 3 confirmed cases, 4 with systmtons and 2 wait and see 9 teachers out at my wife's school, anyone wants to sub? I got the booster yesterday and the flu shot, I ask the nurse to just mix them together J&J, Pfizer, and Moderna. Just have a sore arm and am a bit tired from the booster this time. Stay safe
Honestly, I think there is not a set guideline anyone is following. I have never heard the 72 hour thing and 75% of my employees have had it.
Last year it was 14 days from onset of symptoms and fine to stop quarantine after 14 days as long as you had been symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medicine. They initially said 14 days because testing showed that within 14 days of exposure pretty much 100% of people would have developed symptoms. Now the CDC says 10 days from onset of symptoms, assuming your symptom free after that 10th day, because they've found that around 95% of people develop symptoms within 10 days of exposure. In an effort to get the majority of people that get sick back to work sooner they decided 95% was good enough, especially with the vaccines coming into existence. At least that's been my understanding. When I had covid last October I had to quarantine for 14 days. This year our employees are told 10 days from first symptoms if they test positive (again, assuming symptoms are gone for a full 24 hours, without medication, after 10 days).
Mine work does 10 days paid from your positive test, unless you need longer. Fix, hope you and the family get well soon! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
The fine fella from the IL Dept of Health told me I could "go back in public" 10 days after my first symptoms. In my case, I became symptomatic on 10/12, tested positive on 10/13, and was released from confinement on 10/22. They sent me a daily text message with a survey I had to fill out about my symptoms and whether or not I had left the house. I answered completely honestly and always left a fun note about my feelings on JB's performance as our governor. Hope you get better soon, Fix! My wife was down for about 3 days with your exact symptoms, so hopefully, you're about on the tail end of it.
So my fever broke last night and I'm hunting right now. Interesting tid bit. No one mentioned the flop sweats. I am freaking drenched after a . 5 mile walk. But after my fever broke I instantly felt 1000 times better In Venatione Veritas
The flop sweats are real. I woke up this morning drenched from head to to. I am on day 3 since symptomatic started and feeling pretty good today. Never had the fever, though.
It was strange for me. I ran a fever for 7 days, just under a 100 except for day 4 it ran 101 all day. On the 8th day my fever broke and I never had one again, but that's when the sweats started for me. I woke up drenched for the next 4 or 5 nights in a row, so bad that I was laying towels down to sleep on in and kept a spare to swap them out in the middle of the night. Gross. Weird to wake up drenched like I had just broke a fever, yet no fever. It was a good 10 days after my quarantine period before I didn't get very easily winded and drenched with sweat anytime I did any kind of minimal activity.
well, here is a win, at least for now ... Judge Temporarily Stops Biden Administration From Firing Unvaccinated Workers
So I officially lost smell and taste. It's really freaking weird . The sleepless night are becoming a trial. In Venatione Veritas