this is why I dont believe a damn thing this prick says about the CHINESE virus or the non-vaccines/theraputics ... Anthony Fauci is a liar. If you read our reports on him regularly, this is not breaking news. What IS breaking is that the National Institute of Health has finally, reluctantly admitted that Fauci and NIH Director Francis S. Collins lied when they said that they had not funded gain-of-function research. They did, just as Senator Rand Paul has been claiming for months. According to Breitbart: Fauci testified to Senators at a hearing in May that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” However, the NIH’s October 20 letter to House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) showed that the NIH grant, which was awarded to EcoHealth Alliance and then sub-awarded to the Wuhan lab, funded a research project during 2018 and 2019 that tested “if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” The letter added: “In this limited experiment, laboratory mice infected with the SHC014 WIV1 bat coronavirus became sicker than those infected with the WIV1 bat coronavirus.” According to the Department of Health and Human Services, “gain-of-function” research is research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease. Ebright tweeted that in the letter, the NIH “corrects untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci that NIH had not funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan. The letter goes to great lengths to make it clear the research conducted by EcoHealth Alliance could not have resulted in the development of Covid-19, but here’s the thing. They made this claim before receiving the unpublished documentation surrounding the research. They’re claiming that the differences between the research the NIH funded and what developed into the Covid-19 bioweapon were too distinct for them to be related. That’s a conclusion that is NOT possible until they get their hands on the full research. In other words, they’re preemptively covering it up, just in case it’s revealed later that the research was used in Covid-19’s development. It’s disingenuous for them to distort the science by claiming something is impossible when they know it’s very possible. They compared the differences in genetic makeup of coronaviruses studied by EcoHealth Alliance and Covid-19 to the differences between humans and chimpanzees, as if to placate the science-illiterate. In reality, they cannot know what leaps were made until they see all of the research. Unfortunately, anything that ties EcoHealth Alliance to Covid-19 was almost certainly shredded and purged months ago. According to The Federalist: Gain-of-function research means scientists extract viruses from the wild and engineer them to infect humans. The goal is to study potential therapeutics such as vaccines. The research, long championed by Fauci, who wrote in its defense as worth risking a pandemic over, was deemed so dangerous by the U.S. government it was banned from 2014 to 2017. The ban was lifted after the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) developed enhanced protocols to evaluate grant proposals under the Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight Framework. Money flowed from the NIH to WIV, which the U.S. State Department claims was engaged in collaborative work with the Chinese military from 2014-2019, during the first three years of which gain-of-function funding was prohibited. “The research plan was reviewed by the NIH in advance of funding, and NOH determined that it did not fit the definition of research involving enhanced pathogens of pandemic potential,” Tabak wrote, before elaborating that over the course of the research, new findings were made that would have mandated further review over whether it met the definition for gain-of-function. “EcoHealth failed to report this finding right away, as was required by the terms of the grant.” The group now has five days to send the NIH “any and all unpublished data from the experiments and work conducted” with the support of American tax dollars. In July, Fauci doubled down on his denial that any U.S.-funded research constituted gain-of-function study, in another sparring match with Paul. This is a victory for the truth and in a normal world this would sink Fauci’s career, finally removing him from the public eye. But America’s corporate media is complicit in Pandemic Panic Theater, so Fauci will likely still be popping in for Sunday morning interviews again soon.
I have never trusted lying Tony, any government official that says they lied for my own good, F you I will never believe you again.
He has been lying since the 1990's to keep his half a billion a year job! First AIDS now this.. Similar but the same when you think about it!
they have to keep the narrative going ....... now that it is proven the waning effectiveness of the vaxxes, that is why the YUUUUGE push for boosters ... more money in their pockets ..... and more 'spikes' in your body .....
a very good read .. The Truth About Breakthrough Infections
Sorry, just saw this. I was only on two rounds of steroids for 10 days each. I also had a steroid breathing treatment for my lungs. Eye Doc said it is unusual, but when he sees cataracts in someone my age it is usually from steroids.
I am a steroid reactor and it causes issues with my eyes, also. I used to get pink eye all the time and the eye doctor was always concerned about me using the drops. My pressure becomes concerning high. You may want to see if this will be a common thing for you, too. Just to keep in the back of your mind after surgery.
Sure wont hear about this On CNN/MSNBC and the rest of the alphabet channels .. Sweden Suspends Moderna Vaccine Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Developed Severe Heart Condition According to reports, Swedish health authorities have decided to impose an indefinite suspension on administering the Moderna vaccination to anybody under the age of 31. The Moderna shots were originally supposed to be resumed on December 1st. In the case of the Moderna vaccination, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark have taken comparable measures to Sweden. Norway encourages males under 30 to avoid the Moderna vaccine, but the country hasn’t gone so far as to outright prohibit the act. The Moderna vaccine has been under fire for months due to studies showing that young men who take it are more likely to develop myocarditis, a condition of the heart that causes muscle inflammation, and pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart.
Employee tested positive last week, learned an employee in Building 2 has tested positive, purchasing agent who was off today went in to get tested this morning too. So sick of this crap.
I am dealing with a new HR person that told me that to come back they need to have negative test. Couple problems 1 a negative test has never been required if an individual did the isolation 11 days after positive test in vaccinated people over this covid ordeal. 2nd HR never documented or notified employees before changing the requirement. 3 covid tests are not free for returning employees. My stance if we require the negative test the company provides the quick test after isolation. Also documented that unvaccinated individuals can be held to a different standard and isolation times as well as testing, sorry just following guidelines to limit exposure to lawsuits.
I would ask your HR person if that is specific to your State? Most businesses are following CDC guidelines. After testing positive an employee must isolate for 10 days from the first day symptoms appeared. After the 10th day, as long as they have been symptom free for the last 24 hours without taking any fever reducing or similar medication, they can then return to work. No second test is required to show negative before they can return. Perhaps the State your in has mandates that require a negative test before returning?
PA(or at least our medical command) originally had you needed to have a negative test to come back. Then they realized the false positives. So they went to the the quarantine period instead.
I do...keep the a.American worker out of work...Now,wait for it...there will replacement happening very soon on a massive scale. Then start looking at age groups in that scale down and tender. Because the longer your with a company the more you usually comes the entry level pay scale
My bat **** crazy sister in law who sees herself as her parents covid guardian and tries to dictate their travels and who visits was diagnosed. Could not have happened to a better person.