Speaking of....grandsons came back negative for Covid. That was a week out of school for oldest. That's another thing no school, missed work ....this is a black whole.....
I know two people, first hand - whose death certificated read "cause of death: COVID" and it was not. Both families went and demanded it got changed. (Though I am not sure the outcome).
I have one too. We may consider some HOF bands as ****ty cause we didn't/don't like their music. But they are there because the contributed something to rock and roll music overall. What has he contributed that is new? NADA and agree, he will not get in. the only thing he is "good" at is self-promotion.
The answer is obvious... https://m.jpost.com/health-and-well...us-covid-cases-had-three-vaccine-shots-681455 ... Fourth Jab.
No no I can't turn off auto correct on this very old Kindle. After dealing with this for so long ,would you not think I'd already tried that? ...Lol. It's the reason I'd received a newer Kindle a few years ago. Problem there, the charging port lasted about 3 yrs and stopped working. Dead as a door nail now. I hadn't thrown this one away so out it came. I refuse to buy a new one..Will have to be a gift or let my stubbornness deal with this..hey I eventually catch most of it's re writes.
As of Friday the school district had not sent my wife's spit test in, evidently she is not the only employee that this has happened to. The school did receive some quick tests she took one and was negative. She knew it would be negative because evidently being a woman makes you more aware or in tune with your body. Vaginas are an amazing thing they give women all kinds of super powers that men are not even aware of.
BS. It is a made up woman thing. Want to impress use your super powers to change oil in your car or change a flat tire.
LOL...did you just say that to ME?! Hahaha I'll tell ya what, I'll come do that for you then if you have anything that needs welding I'll do that for you too. Have any small engines that need tweeking? Get them out in the mean time...lol
Yes there is no doubt that you can do that, I was generalizing because the vast majority of your gender do not have the skill set that you possess.
You can't generalize now days. Hell most 18 - 40 males can't do any of those things either. Oh and thanks... now every time the wife gives me hell, I am going to tell her to quit being a vagina cause your vagina post is stuck in my head now. Fact I will probably use the term loosely today since we are going to Grand Forks. I know we will see some real winners ( guys ) today in the stores. Which will lead to the wife punching me and shushing me all day.
Why is Grand Forks such a nice city while East Grand Forks is a place where hope goes to die? Must be the sugar beet plant that stinks up the town.
And to keep things on track... Britney's college is adding a $350 fee the next semester if she doesn't get the vaccine shot for weekly testing. It is her last semester and then she is done with college. I told her I would gladly pay it. This BS never ends and is just getting worse.
My favorite brother-in-law lives in East Grand Forks. If it wasn't for him, I would never cross the river. Cabelas isn't even that great anymore. Do most of my business with Scheels now in Grand Forks.
Waiting for the dryer to finish so I can pack, god I hate going back to the mask world at the airport.
That is the only thing great about getting old. Your mouth filter quits working because you just don't care anymore if it offends stupidity.