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Who here gets the virus first?

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Sota, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Don't say sorry to me because you said something stupid.
    oldnotdead, 0317 and cantexian like this.
  2. PinkPony

    PinkPony Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 4, 2014
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    Being in EMS - I'll vouch for that. Same goes for the helmet law. In PA you are no longer required to wear one on a motorcycle. We've seen accidents where it would have saved them - we seen accidents where it would have killed them.

    Everything has a chance to do a negative on your life. Just let us all decide what we want for ourselves.
    oldnotdead likes this.
  3. 0317

    0317 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 14, 2020
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  4. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    So... I call to let DIL know that I'd be coming over to see our grandson.....they both had to go get covid tested last night. They've been sick a few days now. Birthday boy miserable sick. I dropped bag off on porch and talked through the window. They got sick over weekend and son was over here cutting wood and raiding frig .

    My God this devise is about wrecked....
  5. cantexian

    cantexian Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 11, 2013
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    oldnotdead likes this.
  6. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
  7. axtell343

    axtell343 Grizzled Veteran

    Nov 5, 2014
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    Northeast PA
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  8. axtell343

    axtell343 Grizzled Veteran

    Nov 5, 2014
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    Northeast PA
    Joking aside, Josef Mengele and his buddies up there literally laid out the path to where we are today. How is this man not in jail right now?

    “It’s not to crazy to imagine a novel avian virus that breaks out in China somewhere”
    Oh, you mean the one you are currently funding Gain of function research on??? Give me a break

    Sent from my iPhone using Forums
    oldnotdead likes this.
  9. Mod-it

    Mod-it Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 28, 2019
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    A pandemic so bad that they are firing health care workers over getting a vaccine that doesn't stop the spread. Got it.

    All this time I thought they did care what people do in their day to day life, it's so good to know I was wrong.
    They don't care if people buy lots of guns, what type they are, go shooting wherever they feel it is safe to do so, or carry one on their person wherever they go for personal protection.
    They don't care how much ammunition they stock up on, or how much black powder and where/how they store it.
    They don't care what tip people choose to put on their arrows, or how much the arrows weigh, or what caliber of rifle they choose to use, or if they can take game much more humanely with magnified or ranging sights and so choose to use them.
    They don't care what kind and how many predators people shoot to protect their livestock.
    They don't care if people choose to build or alter a structure on their property.
    They don't care if people choose to build a pond on their property or what fish they choose to stock in it.
    They don't care if people choose to wear a seat belt or helmet or not.
    They don't care that some people are good drivers that can easily and safely drive over the posted speed limit with no concerns.
    They don't care if people choose to celebrate the 4th of July, or some other event during the year, with fireworks that go up and go bang.
    Governor Inslee doesn't care that I feel I'm perfectly capable of choosing my own long term healthcare plan and isn't going to tax my income for a forced LTHCP that I'll never be eligible for since I live in Idaho but work in Washington. (thank goodness, as this was nothing more than an income tax for non residents...illegal by Washington constitution AND voted against by the citizens of Washington when it was on the ballot last election cycle)
    They don't care if people make their own biodiesel and solely use it.
    They don't care if kids have a lemonade stand in the front yard that earns them some minor revenue.
    They don't care where you choose to park your RV on your property.
    They don't care what time of day it is when you choose to perform some activity that is noisy, such as mowing your lawn at 4:30 a.m. in the summer.
    They don't care if people ride an atv on public land on trails that aren't maintained in any way or cost the State any money whatsoever without first buying a recreational sticker.
    They don't care if people change the exhaust or emissions on their vehicle so it'll have more power, better fuel economy, and be more dependable.
    They don't care if people choose to get an abortion or give it up for adoption.
    They don't care if people choose whether or not something gets to be injected into their body that may or may not be harmful/helpful.

    Such a relief to finally be aware of this.
    oldnotdead and Fix like this.
  10. Fix

    Fix Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Western NY
    Burn baby burn
    But yes some form of accountability
    In Venatione Veritas
    oldnotdead likes this.
  11. Fix

    Fix Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Western NY
    In Venatione Veritas
    oldnotdead likes this.
  12. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
    F@#K Fauxi!! **** Fauci as well
    oldnotdead likes this.
  13. 0317

    0317 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 14, 2020
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  14. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    (sorry, paywalled)

    Due to adverse side effects, Sweden just banned Moderna for subjects under 30, Denmark the same for subjects under 18.

    If you haven't had the shots yet, Hold the Line. If you have had the shots but not the 'boosters', Hold the Line.

    Every single day more info comes out form more 'reliable'/'respected' sources.
    oldnotdead, cantexian and GregH like this.
  15. wl704

    wl704 Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 25, 2012
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    greater-Charlotte NC
    It's not just EO, osha rules were modified and penalties increased... We must have work place safety (not so sure how that pans out with remote workers).

    Gov procurement/contacting has always had special rules... I think of as the 8th level of hell and insanity...and greatly why I moved away from those businesses ~30 yrs ago. Pretty sure they simply made it a requirement, you want to do business with Govco, you're workforce needs to be vaxed.
  16. cantexian

    cantexian Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Maybe that will finally be the end of bloated government. They will have to downsize if no one is willing to work with government.
    virginiashadow likes this.
  17. Ridgerunner3

    Ridgerunner3 Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 7, 2016
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    Western NC.
    Yes all that is totally valid. Rules and regulations running directly counter to very specific laws is the problem. Like it or not govco can bluff you, but the lawsuits are popping up like spring flowers and what I'm seeing is a lot of backtracking. Contracts are contracts even for the government and they know if they lose a handful it would likely cripple their ability to function (and I use that term loosely). Imagine if BAH or Lockheed, or both, said, nah, we ain't gonna force our people to violate the law and disclose medical info. Entire agencies would grind to a halt.
    Sent from my SM-G781V using Forums mobile app
    ash d likes this.
  18. 0317

    0317 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 14, 2020
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    THERE IS NOT A MANDATE for vaccinations... at least nothing legal yet ... the only thing was Biden spouting gibberish ... read on ...

    Yes, we’ve heard all about Joe Biden’s alleged vaccine mandate for private companies employing 100 or more people. It was all over the news even before he announced it on September 9. His announcement has jeopardized the employment of millions of Americans and increased worker shortages in critical domains such as health care.

    There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.

    That’s why nearly two dozen Republican attorneys general who have publicly voiced their opposition to the clearly unconstitutional and illegal mandate haven’t yet filed suit against it, the Office of the Indiana Attorney General confirmed for me. There is no mandate to haul into court. And that may be part of the plan.

    According to several sources, so far it appears no such mandate has been sent to the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs yet for approval. The White House, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Department of Labor haven’t released any official guidance for the alleged mandate. There is no executive order. There’s nothing but press statements.

    Despite what you may have been falsely led to believe by the media fantasy projection machine, press statements have exactly zero legal authority.

    “There is nothing there yet that gives employers any mandate,” Stephanie McFarland, spokeswoman for the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration, told me Oct. 6. “The president made an announcement on this asking OSHA to do it, but we’ve not yet seen anything come from it yet,” she also said. When the state agency gets any further information, she said, they’ll review it.

    To impose the public perception of a mandate, the Biden administration is following an unusual rule-making process it also employed earlier this year, called an emergency temporary standard (ETS). The spring ETS rule took nearly six months to issue. Meanwhile, companies are telling reporters their vaccine mandates will have at the latest December deadlines. (For those who can’t calendar, that’s four months after Biden’s non-existent mandate was proclaimed. According to OSHA, an ETS takes up to six months to go into effect after the initial mandate is issued in the Federal Register — which, again, for the proclaimed 100-employee mandate hasn’t happened yet.)

    Lawyers for big business were blunt about their love for this mandate mirage: “Everybody loves this cover,” Minneapolis employment lawyer Kate Bischoff told Bloomberg Law in September. “Many were already looking down the road at doing this, but the fact that they get to blame Biden is like manna from heaven.”

    Using the ETS procedure instead of normal federal rule-making processes both allows the Biden administration to push its demands faster and without any public input or requirement of responding to public input, which is normally required of even legally laughable federal rule-making like this one would be. That is part of why ETS rules have been overwhelmingly overturned in courts.

    “OSHA has used that legal authority only 10 times in 50 years,” David Rivkin Jr. and Robert Alt wrote in the Wall Street Journal in September. “Courts have decided challenges to six of those standards, nixing five and upholding only one.”

    There are many other reasons any federal vaccine mandate would be obviously illegal and unconstitutional, Rivkin and Alt write, including that “The states have plenary police power to regulate health and safety. Congress has only those limited powers enumerated in the Constitution. That wouldn’t include the authority to impose a $155 fine (today’s equivalent of the $5 at stake in Jacobson) on an individual who declines to be vaccinated, much less to prevent him from earning a livelihood.”

    But who needs the Constitution when you have an American people conditioned for compliance with even wildly outlandish things the screen people insist they must think and do?

    Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published a letter from Bruce Atkinson making several excellent observations about the nonexistent mandate, including the following:

    The mandate’s nonexistence shields the Biden administration from legal challenges that may ultimately restrict the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s authority. Yet the mandate is still effective at compelling industries and companies into compliance, as it leaves room for any eventual issuance to target noncompliant entities. This implied cudgel is particularly effective on industries and companies that are dependent on federal spending or the goodwill of federal regulators. The nonexistent mandate also allows so-inclined state and local governments and companies to issue their own mandates, seemingly in lockstep with Washington.

    The Biden White House has been well-served by presenting a nonexistent mandate as a done deal.

    Now, let me see, what presidential administration does all this remind you of? Why, that of Mr. “Pen and Phone” himself, Barack Obama.

    His also wildly unconstitutional Deferred Action for Child Arrivals was simply a two-page memo, for example, but it is still allowing some 616,000 people to simply ignore major U.S. laws, and could easily be reinstated by courts as litigation continues nearly a decade later. It seems that, given such unchecked gains from openly lawless actions Democrats have turned into standard operating procedure over the years, Joe Biden feels free to reduce that constitutional contempt to simply a phone now.

    What this “government by press release” also allows is for Republicans like Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb to complain about Biden’s tyranny while using zip, nada, zilch of their elected authority to stop it. Holcomb has used the same executive rule-by-decree throughout the lockdown era without effective restraint by a supermajority-Republican state legislature, even telling the press churches were required to deliver Christ’s Body and Blood his way while quietly keeping that part out of his executive orders, surely because government dictating religious exercise is obviously unconstitutional and would quickly have generated lawsuits.

    All this allows weak Republicans and evil Democrats to shadowbox each other for the cameras while ordinary Americans suffer under their abdicated leadership. By the time Republican attorneys general get around to filing lawsuits over any eventually issued legal documents that fulfill Biden’s promises, the vast majority of people not wanting government to force them into medical procedures will likely be unemployed, forcibly injected with treatments that have almost no track record, forced from their education paths, provided with fake documents like these citizens are beneath COVID-rule-exempt illegal aliens, and all the rest.

    This is how weak Republicans keep letting Democrats go right on gleefully disemboweling our rights just like they have nearly 50 million of the American unborn. Gee, thanks, “public servants.” Tell me another one about how you love American liberties and the Bill of Rights. I’ll believe that when I see you sacrificing anything substantial to fight for them.

    What Democrats are doing as Republicans stand down yet again is a moral and constitutional abomination. Not even the fig-leaf pose of a pen signing balderdash-filled documents is needed for today’s Democrats. Whatever they say, you do. You have no rights or say in the matter, no possibility for objecting to even them forcibly injecting things into your own body and the bodies of your children.

    These people believe they are royalty, and too many Americans are acting like they’re these losers’ serfs instead of citizens endowed by God with inalienable rights, including the right to consent — through elected representatives, not never-elected dictatorial bureaucrats — to rules that restrict our rights, everyday lives, and human dignity.
    oldnotdead likes this.
  19. 0317

    0317 Grizzled Veteran

    Apr 14, 2020
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    axtell343 likes this.
  20. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Okiebob likes this.

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