has turned into this
I could keep this one to myself, but in the interest of equity (that is, sharing someone else's hard work without their permission) I will post it here..."Sic Semper Tyrannis"
Pretty soon, we'll likely hear one of the extreme liberal/socialists start saying how the pandemic cannot end with so many guns in Americans possession.....
Back at work today. I have a slight cough, otherwise feel fine. I will probably take it easy for a couple of days just to play it safe.
Another article.....
Seems like they are always doing polls. Would like to see a poll that asks Who trusts and believes Fauci? His latest saying it is too early to see if we can gather for Christmas. Got news Tony there will be a feast prepared at my home for Thanksgiving and Christmas my family will gather no matter what the gov't and Tony says.
My wife has not felt real good this weekend, her coworker who still came into work with symptoms but wore a mask is positive. Pissed I have to speak at a conference coming up and even if I have zero symptoms I ethically have to test if my wife is positive when she gets tested tomorrow. I can't go to work, I can't go see my Mom in the hospital. It is one thing to fear the virus, I don't but I will not be the person that brings covid to the office or anywhere else.
I feel you, quarantining for the last week was terrible. But right thing to do for others. I hope your wife and you stay healthy and get over it quickly if positive.
Sota, IIRC you got the shots but I don't recall if you said your wife did. Ignore me if it's too personal, but did she?
Yes she got early vaccination as a front line school employee, she got the pfizer, I got the moderna.
this is 100% accurate and just as predictable. Natural immunity is far superior in both effect and also reducti0n in the likelihood of 'super viruses'. The shots artificially modify both the rate and type of viral evolution. Left to nature, the virus will find equilibrium and evolve into more spreadable less deadly forms finding genetic superiority. It would in effect become the common cold. These therapeutic shots, which even the CDC now admits are not preventative in regards to the spread but are only immuno-response accelerators; are allowing stronger more deadly strains of the virus to survive and continue to spread.