I have a medical exemption right here on my desk for Pfizer and Moderna. He's approved for J & J and when that is good for his age group, he will get it.
Which is interesting, as J&J is more known to cause heart attacks in younger people (granted mainly females). That was originally the one I was leaning towards and was told to stay away from.
no one could pay me to get a jab right now ... there is waaaay to much unknown with these theraputics (call them what they are, they are not a 'vaccine' ) .... the sayin goes NEVER try a new drug in the first years of it ... wait 3-7 yrs and see what the unknow effects will be.. look at how many 'super drugs" have been pulled off the market only after years of use .. ... hell, with every dose more and more spike proteins(not to mention anti-freeze, yup, tyht IS an ingredient ) will be spread thru your body just waiting to do unknown damage .. nope, I'm healthy 100 % and I still will not be a guinee pig ..... I'll wait .....
I won't get a booster, that's for sure. Too late on the first 2, but boosters weren't part of the deal. In all reality, I am in no different position than those that have not gotten the shot(s). I won't be getting a flu shot either, never have gotten one of them and I'm still kicking.
I'm allergic to the flu shot. Found that out when I worked in the day care when I was 18. It was mandatory (see, I do learn as I age) - so, yes, naive and young, I got it. Never again. I have an allergy to eggs - but even my doctor didn't think it was that bad of an allergy to have a reaction to the flu shot.
Have we thought about this? Little kids masked. Not building natural immunity to other viruses and such. Remove masks. Little kids getting sick as hell from a lot of stuff they'd normally be immune.
Yep! You need to be around things to build your immunity. Back when we were all kids dirt was our best friend and we were always outside. Look at the majority of kids nowadays, even prepandemic, inside. How can you get yourself immunity strong when you're not outdoors or around others?
Well, I usually like you too but you're still a poo head. So far we have 2000 in one suit and nearing 2000 in a related but separate suit about to be filed in a separate district. I am not one of the attys and therefore not involved in the behind the scenes; but I know first goal is to get a national injunction/TRO and if I had to guess they are almost kind of hoping for opposing rulings and immediate referral to SCOTUS. Also, Mrs. Noodles and I stand to lose exponentially more than $65k per year. And when you take lost retirements into account...add several zeros to the end of that retainer fee and you begin to get a picture of what's at stake. Most of our fellow filers are in similar situations or are at the beginnings of careers which would have lead them to this point.
thought about putting this in the political thread, but it's more ideologically consistent with the direction of this one... https://www.npr.org/2021/09/29/1039907305/cdc-study-toll-guns-america Oh, these people would never use a 'public health emergency' as a reason to curtail your rights. C'mon man!
Not saying, just saying...... The Water Research Foundation reported that 100 years is a conservative estimate for a properly designed and installed PVC pipe. Dig-up studies on PVC pipe materials around the world report no degradation after decades of operational service.
If there comes a point you have to bury them, it's probably past the point of having them in the first place.
COVID Foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I would've posted to the Atlantic link to make @Okiebob happy, but it's behind a paywall and most of us non-yachters ain't that high-falutin...
No worries, soon he will remove the goal posts altogether. "Unfortunately you will never be able to achieve the status of fully vaccinated as the variants are ever changing and quarterly booster shots will be needed".