That sucks, hopefully symptoms stay mild/improving. If so, you now have a better immunity/vaccination than the shot(s)
Stay well, brother. You and the wife. NAC is still available at WalMart, if not locally then online order only 2-3 day delivery.
thanks? Do you work in LE? If so, thanks for your service. Your early post made sound like maybe you do.
That sucks, but your a young strong guy. I’m sure you and your family will be feeling fine in a day or two.
I'm working at the wrong place! The guy who thinks that I work for him is just a straight up ass. 25 months, 25 months....
What are you going to lose if you get the shot? Are you still underwater on your house? How much cash are you willing to part with for this fight? We need coders, but logical thinker is key, so I don’t think you could do the job Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Perhaps Nothing, but definitely Everything. So far, $1000 retainer. But I (we) have been very fortunate and stand (stood) to be more so. We could easily go along/get along and retire without a care in the world in 9 years. What's your Honor worth? Your soul? 30 pieces of silver? A comfie chair, netflix, and a steady flow of processed food? It's not about a effing shot. It's about not being assimilated and directed by an evil statist cult, where Government edicts by and for powerful men are the pillars of their Faith and exist only to propagate their ever growing and accelerating control.
Exactly. They are Satanic. Pure evil. I am not even Christian, and I see this. 'you are the chosen ones, spared by Belial to go forth and do his bidding.'
Okay, hypothetical tomorrow you wake up and say screw this, I want to retire in my 9 years. You get the jab are you now less of a man? Do you have less freedom than the day before? You were a free unvaccinated man and now you're what? A controlled Vaccinated man? Do you have to turn in your guns? Will you not be allowed in Indiana when you are ready to move? What will the day after the shot be like for dnoodles? I hope you have a good attorney and not a money-hungry one. Remember the fight I started was so kids could just play. Once a season was canceled for them, it's gone and they truly lost something, not just for sports, we are taking a bunch of other activities. VS, PP your input is valued as well if you got the shot tomorrow what would you lose?
Been following along. What do you gain? A social credit score? Gtfo with that. I've had it. I have not been sick since Feb 2020 and been all over the country. No jab. It is NOT a vaccine. It is a therapeutic. Sent from my SM-G781V using Forums mobile app
Oh, speaking of... My PayPal account just got canceled due to "suspicious credit card activity". I haven't used my PP account in probably over 2 years. Now, my PP is only linked to my Chase debit card, which I almost never use and monitor my checking account activity religiously. You know what I did use it for recently? Subscribing to a well-known paywall 'alternative media' site, and also purchases. I went into my Chase account and there have been no other purchases in the past 6 months other than a couple grocery store trips. So I am probably being de-banked. Awesome. Luckily I am a member of a couple exclusive but large credit unions.
I would have bent the knee, and I would know. That is enough. That, and the myocarditis, early onset RA, and/or blood clots. Seriously, dude- I would have given Novovax a chance, a year or so to make sure there weren't any short-term side effects. But They aren't giving me that option. Not only that, They are already saying we have to get whatever shots every 6 months or so. So that means, they are not a vaccine. And they are not effective. We will all eventually get this virus. Those of us who are not unlucky/otherwise healthy will live. Those that aren't will pass. I won't be injected with crap that has as or almost as high chance of giving me adverse reactions as the virus itself; especially knowing I will eventually still eventually get the virus (assuming I have not already.) And just to be clear, I wouldn't be taking these shots if they were legally branded as Trumpvaxion and the Bad Orange Man himself was hocking them on QVC. Neither would any holdout I know. You cannot herd lions.