Yes, read that again a shot or his job, not a life-threatening situation. Go see some of the situations in Afghanistan where people are actually in a fight for their lively hoods, now compare it to what is happening here, giving me a break. Why do you think Trump pushed so hard for the vaccine because I truly believe he was the only smart enough, in the beginning, to know this was the way out. This is blown way out of portion by a bunch of drama queens, if this situation is a threat to your lively hood then you are doomed if a real one comes. VS goes out to work everyday and puts his lively hood on the line. It's not trolling just laughter at the absurdity of where this has gone to this point.
But it's not absurd. I do everything I can to make sure I do the right things with my lifestyle. I am waiting for answers on this, on how it will effect me long term, that is ME doing research. There is no research out there for what it'll do, what it may cause, etc. I want long term. Has research and science come a long way since the Spanish Flu pandemic? Definitely. But I am still not sold on it. We each are allowed to have our own thoughts on this. The government should not interfere and mandate/force this kind of thing.
Individual rights to choose what is put into ones body should have nothing to do with the right to earn a living.
You know that for certain? How about in a few years? What will it do to pregnant women? Are you an internet doctor?
4000 healthcare workers have died during this pandemic, lively hoods lost No, I went to a real doctor and ask, I know a shocker these days. It's pretty simple to do.
Or maybe care about the 3600+ healthcare workers who really lost their livelihoods during this mess. I guess those folks are just forgotten.
We are going to find out very soon
To each his own, I would take a booster today if I could get one. That being said no one should be forced to get a vaccine if they don't want one, end of story. I believe people have the right to make poor decisions about what they do with their bodies. I find it amusing the same media outlets telling us being morbidly obese is healthy and beautiful have no problem shaming people for not getting a vaccine.
And if their poor decision harm others should they pay for it? I agree about media and obsess. You’re a doctor correct Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why should someone with the vaccine and boosters (if needed) need to worry about someone who doesn't have the vaccine? If you have the vaccine you can still get/spread it just like those who don't have it.
I'm a simple man. I don't want to get covid therefore I chose to get vaccinated. The vaccine is readily available and if you want to drastically reduce your chances of getting covid you get vaccinated. If your unvaccinated at this point and get covid the only person you have to blame is yourself. 90 -100% of our patients admitted with covid are unvaccinated. If the unvaccinated want to blame the other unvaccinated folks for their covid knock yourselves out it accomplishes nothing. I'm not defined by what I do.
It shouldn't be a "have the vaccine vs not having the vaccine" standpoint. The virus can spread either way. It's quite ironic that healthcare workers are refusing to give in to a mandatory vaccine in order to keep their jobs. They are the professionals and still are not getting it. They know far more about medical stuff than most of us (outside of a few of the docs/nurses on here).
Some of the most unhealthy people I know are also nurses. Despite being in the know and having a front row seat to the results of an unhealthy lifestyle people still make poor decisions for a variety of reasons. I take care of the patient in front of me to the best of my ability. Their vaccination status, race, age, sex, convicted felon, etc etc. No factor.
I went for a test today since my wife tested positive yesterday. The school made is test our kids since we had a positive test in the family. Results are still pending for me and the boys but I am expecting positive results. Perhaps, at some point my symptoms will worsen and I will change my mind. But, six days in since my only symptoms of a slight cough and nasal congestion started, and I am feeling better. I was never that sick to begin with and never vaccinated. At this point, I still believe that not vaccinating is the right choice for me and choice is how it should be. No mandates.