Exactly, to the above I posted, they blamed the unvaccinated for her death. Yet, she was fully vaccinated and still contracted it and died. Wonder how many people she infected, either vaccinated or unvaccinated. What happens when we have a breakthrough case of a vaccinated person infecting another vaccinated person who ultimately succumbs to the virus? This virus is as political as politics itself, and the left and MSM continue to make sure it stays that way.
I feel terrible for the family, but her case is extremely rare. There have been approximately 2,600 deaths from C19 complications out of more than 176 million vaccinated Americans. Of those 2600, more than 2,300 of them are over 65. This lady was 66 years old, and unfortunately for her, in the high-risk category - vaccinated or not. Life is a fickle thing, friends. Never take a moment for granted.
Blaming the unvaccinated for their mother's death is naive and wrong, many, many people need the truth to be explained to them. That is what is obvious.
Possible, yes. Unlikely, also yes. In order to spread it, you need to catch it first. And catching it remains much more unlikely if you're vaccinated.
So say every US citizen gets fully vaccinated by turkey day. Then what? You have thousands if not millions of unvaccinated illegal immigrants running rampant and continuing to cross the border. You think they'll start blaming the illegals? Hell no, they'll start bitching about the vaccinated not getting their quarterly booster shot and that's the reason it can't be controlled. This virus has given the left unprecedented powers. How many Democrat governors have willingly given up their Emergency Powers? My guess is none
It's pretty simple the issue now is unvaccinated folks, stating otherwise is well dumb. The majority of hospitals are filled with unvaccinated The majority of deaths are, wait for it....... unvaccinated The majority in our ICU's, hold on this is a tough one, nope it's the unvaccinated Sota states obviously that yes vaccinated can spread COVID, here is the kicker it's not my job or anyone else who is vaccinated to care or protect those who made the choice not to get vaccinated who were eligible, some are not and that's who I care about. If you get covid and are unvaccinated by choice and end of in the hospital you can pay the bill out of pocket. The unvaccinated ones are going to cause my insurance premiums to go up. For that matter, if you were a smoker/tobacco user, obese or a drinker/drug abuser you can pay your bills also. Choices have consequences it's time we start making those who make dumb ones, pay for it.
Lol I really find your dad comment and mentioning facts funny. I lost 75#'s and the first 40 of that was eating a 1/2# of bacon and 6 eggs everyday.FACT, It was cutting out the breads,wheat,pasta,sugars, corn anything ,that returned my health to me. Which leads to another fact It was you're government food pyramid with grains at the top that threw this countries population into pill popping over weight heart attacks on legs. The government's health experts that got it's citizens to fund pharmacology retreats and lavish life styles. Let's be honest here a healthy population hurts elites pocket books. Follow back door money trails most politicians reap the rewards while sucking the life's blood out of American workers.
Yeah, NO! Nurses do NOT make more money sitting home than working. My daughter can make DOUBLE (with all the incentives offered to her) my hourly wage in our small town hospital. Traveling nurses make substantially more than the local nurses.
Yes I know it's a shame when making people pay for their dumb ass choices in life is "very progressive"
Interesting choice of words to describe a person who says people should take more accountability for their own actions and not rely on social services to rescue them. A progressive viewpoint would argue for socialized healthcare and less responsibility on the individual level, comrade.
I'm seriously on the fence with the covid shot! I hate needles, the thought of disgusting crap squirted into my body, and I dont fully trust it to be safe. But what if it is and I'm only hurting myself and others by not getting it?
Seriously go talk to YOUR family doctor, get a second opinion if needed, we did for Zach. The pediatrician stated the mRNA vaccines would be safe for Zach and his heart doctor was a loud absolutely not!! Go to a doctor you trust and ask and make the choice.
No Sota , I know that may make you feel good ,but you stepped into that saying about the word "assume." Hubby has a gout issue and he has a hereditary issue with cholesterol . My cooking follows a strict dietary regime for him . So everything went low fat years and years ago. I also do not enjoy baking ,so any treats I made for him (cookies) were and still are done in huge batches and frozen immediately. BTW He is a snack monster but only weighs 160#'s I have been cooking portion control for 20 yrs. ,remember I'm cheap. My issue was not amounts..I actually eat twice as much as I use to. That was a hard thing for me to do when I first started this lifestyle. I DEFINATELY have never been sedentary anyone that has followed me over the years can see that. Not one of my Dr.'s showed concern over my weight because of my activity levels. It wasn't until a specific blood test showed a possible turn to insulin resistance. To which I said I'd take care of that. They still had not recommended a diet of any kind, just a suggestion to watch carbs. My Dr was amazed at the weight drop at the next appointment. So I do not care what you may or may not think about my honesty on my weight loss. I do hope you attempt not to show your unknowable weight comments to any other person.
Oh ...look it up the government food pyramid and the American health and weight follow the same time line. .