looks like folks in Michigan have had enough, I can't blame them. I just wonder what are they doing now?
Lawsuit seeks statewide mask mandate for Minnesota schools Sota you spearheading this?
When are people going to learn to stop being so divisive and forceful of our views upon other people? If everyone would just leave each other alone, most of this would go away on its own.
Sounds like the New Governor of NY needs to keep the promise of the previous governor when he pleaded and begged for nurses from other states come to his rescue and would do the same in return. I guess most have forgotten how the left like to break promises like that. from the first article above, it's not about beds it's about the staffing causing the overwhelming of the system. “The issue is staffing,” Brian Peters, CEO of the Michigan Health & Hospital Association, said Thursday. “You could have all the beds in the world, but if you don't have an adequate number of nurses, physicians, and other health care providers to staff those beds, that's where we run into a problem.” “Right now, our staffing is stressed to a level that we have not seen previously,” Peters said.
Medicare and Medicaid Pariticipating EMS Providers (and Suppliers). The requirement that will likely affect EMS agencies the most is the requirement that expands vaccination and testing mandates to virtually all healthcare providers who receive reimbursement under Federal health programs. CMS issued a press release, Biden-Harris Administration to Expand Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Settings, stating: "CMS is using its authority to establish vaccine requirements for all providers and suppliers that participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs." Just got this from an EMS attorney UGH I knew it would most likely be coming....but evidently they feel the same.
I am getting this guy next "“It’s a different type of vaccine though. Moderna and Pfizer are mRNA vaccines. This one is a protein subunit vaccine. It’s a type of vaccine that we have used for flu, hepatitis, and HPV in the past. But this one is targeting the world. It will be available to people around the world in addition to what’s out there. Hopefully it will be at a lower cost for some countries that don’t have the resources like the United States has,” says Dr. McKenzie."
I'll look into this as this is the first I've seen about it. I am allergic to the flu shot - so it'll be interesting to know if I'd have a reaction to any of these (another reason I don't want it!).
My favorite is how both sides of the argument have rallies and get togethers in support of their stance, basically super spreader events. Pure effing genius. I 'spect it has been a hard lesson to learn but idgaf anymore. Politics are a virus, the virus is a virus and the media is a virus. Just wish we could find a cure for them all besides fire, fire solves everything but leaves such a damn mess.
Whoa... I see what you did there.. An UNMASKED person sees a MASKED person and they hate each other. PLEASE, PLEASE you certainly showed your personal bias there. It's actually masked people showing hate and wanting to label the unmasked as evil. I do not have compassion for people saying what another should do or MUST do to protect them. Listen Time to pull up those britches and protect your self period. I put my money where my mouth is on this..lost 75#, sheltered in place until I lost weight, took my needed vitamins, then took the vaccine. A vaccine that made me very very ill for days and you can bet there won't be a booster. There won't be a mask either. I have allergies and it's tough enough to breath as it is. Masks make me cough, cough, cough. You try going to a store masked and coughing your fool head off and see the reactions. So no one should worry about me being unmasked and if they want to be safe they can buy really good masks for themselves and they can maintain a good distance from me. Here's my compassion I'll let you live as you want and you let me live as I want...we do not owe each other anything but respect and that is a TWO WAY STREET
I believe at the time I called out and told people not to send their needed workers to possibly get sick because NO WAY would Cuomo encourage NY staff to go to other states...Now fireman would doctors or nurses on their own would. Electric poleman would ...but that's not the same as a Govenor funded relief
Oh and BTW, saying do this or do that to get over this thing is the most nieve thing I've heard on this. NO,NO, nothing will get any of us over this. The powers at work figured it out. This has worked perfectly for them so NOW there will ALWAYS,ALWAYS be another bug waiting in the wings. Why do you think Fauchi has been double timing it on the gain of function issue. How many lies from all directions do you need to hear before logic shows you the truth of what's really going on?
Germ, this article literally and directly contradicts itself within 3 paragraphs- "The head of Michigan’s hospital industry group said Thursday that COVID patients are straining state bed capacity as medical leaders once again urged more residents to get vaccinated against the deadly coronavirus. As of Wednesday, more than 1,400 patients were being treated at Michigan hospitals for confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19, up from roughly 300 patients in early July. That’s nowhere near the state’s peak of 4,422 hospitalized COVID patients in April. But hospital leaders say staffing shortages have worsened 18 months into the pandemic as nurses, doctors and other healthcare workers quit, retire, change jobs or leave the field after a series of deadly surges. “The issue is staffing,” Brian Peters, CEO of the Michigan Health & Hospital Association, said Thursday. “You could have all the beds in the world, but if you don't have an adequate number of nurses, physicians, and other health care providers to staff those beds, that's where we run into a problem.” the issue bed capacity, or staffing? Or just s4itty journalizing?