Slowly trying to turn America into a dictatorship. Together, we can be China, who brought this all onto the world to begin with.
Guarantee SCOTUS crushes this, and if it's on 6-3 party lines rather than a 9-0 that's just going to divide things even further, if that's even possible.
Covid 19 when Democrats around the country tried to strip citizens rights and freedoms. Happy liberals? you all voted for this.
You couple Joe's statement about the mandate combined with the fact it has came out that Tony lied to congress. What **** show we have. Embrace the suck, if it does not wake up US citizens to not vote for this garbage nothing will. If the democrats do not lose their majority in the midterms the country is doomed.
Wonder how many companies floating just above that 100 employee benchmark will opt to lay off down to 99? Haven't been watching news, skimmed an article. Was there a deadline for such to take place?
This right here says it all... In his speech, Biden expressed frustration with unvaccinated Americans multiple times and said that he "understands" the "anger" that the vaccinated have against those who have not taken the vaccine. "We've been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us," Biden told the tens of millions of unvaccinated people in the country. I don't know anyone who has gotten the shot(s) who is pissed at someone who has not. They simply do not care. It's lawmakers and governors of one party who see it that way and their triggered followers. I'm not mad at anyone on the forum who choose not to, I'm pissed at Pritzker and Biden. Don't even get started on Fauxi who is behind all of this, anytime he opens his yipper Biden follows suit. He said on CNN the other day that it basically is not a choice anymore and here we are. I hope Republican's take both chambers and roast that mother #%@$@
Kinda like how they blame unvaccinated or unmasked people for spreading a disease they've never tested positive for or been around anyone that has. Apparently this virus just lives on you if haven't been vaccinated and doesn't infect you but does everyone else. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Biden is full of bullcrap ... I know very few who have gotten the jab(s) .... NO ONE knows what will happen in future years with this spike protein mRNA non-vaccine filling up people, esp. with 'booster shots' ....
Yep. I think there are other motives as well but I think I'll hold off for now. Sent from my SM-G781V using Forums mobile app
I just seen the recent crap on CNN. I receive MDC and MA funds as an ambulance transport company. I will quit if they force this **** on us.
I'll just say this, divide and conquer comes to mind when I see what this virus/vaccine is doing. Those that stated they would never trust or take a Trump vaccine are getting them at will. Those that never commited either way are doing so or not. Those "nots" are the ones under attack, kinda funny because the anti-Trumpers pushing for the mandate are the Anti-Trumpers who were against the vaccine to begin with.