Im personally holding out until they raise the stakes. Free icecream and $100 doesnt sell. They must think im some sort of cheap date? Truthfully though, eventually the system will make it impossible for anyone to function in society without being vaccinated. These are the first steps we are seeing. Increase your heathcare premiums, inconvenient test frequency, employers cracking down. They are starting small to nudge people but i bet we will see full blown arm twisting at some point.
Wait for the insurance companies to state "we are not paying for covid issues" and someone gets the bill
Go into work last night and apparently they're having some mobile unit come in and give vax shots for free. So far one person has signed up, guess what and see as date gets closer if they try to push it more. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
My work did the same thing, had county health dept come in for 2 appts and also offered the J&J one time. On second shot they allowed anyone to get their first shot but it was up to the individual to get their 2nd 3 weeks after. Between Fauxi, Biden, CDC, WHO, every governor and probably a hundred other sources in the media and health industry they've screwed it up tenfold. There hasn't been one consitency in what they have said from the beginning. The goal posts changed as soon as a goal was scored and the score was reset to zero. Now they are pushing booster shots for all 3 for a return to nornalcy by "hopefully" Spring of '22. But the catch is going to be the un"vaccinated" now, are going to have to get all their shots plus the needed amount of boosters, and the "vaccinated" now are going to need their 4th booster. It's a never ending cycle. My guess is, only when the stock market tanks will they be happy and say everyone can go back to normal, your now fully depend.... errr vaccinated.
it has been written the 'delta' virus is dying out in locations where it was prevalent ... your body can only take so much crap being pumped into it .... NO ONE KNOWS what will happen as time goes by .... much has already been written with the over use of these non-vaccines and it isnt good for continued use ..
Yea it's gonna drag on as long as they have gullible people living by every word they say and as long as there's money to be made. I don't really see work pushing it too much but we'll see if the insurance companies start pushing it. As for me idk, I'll probably haveta get it seeing as goin to Disney here in Oct with family and it may just be easier to get a shot. Other than that I flat out wouldn't get it not because of some crazy reason but because I don't want to. I see no point. They're so wishy washy on everything and have back tracked on so much stuff its ridiculous. Ive never heard of a virus being so deadly that it picks and chooses where it spreads. Protest, Walmart, Obamas birthday you're safe. Truno rally, church, funerals and it's gonna jump out of the bushes and get ya. And best of all you can get it and never know, unless get tested. So idk, I don't really care about it anymore and idk why anyone does. All the experts, real of FB doctors, said i shoulda basically been dead 8 months ago from this. Haven't been vaccinated, didn't wear a mask, and never social distanced any more than usually do and here I am. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm still waiting to hear when we are going to hold China accountable. Could you imagine if the CDC here in the US allowed a virus to escape, covered it up, shut the world down killing millions and it lasted for years? Can you imagine the backlash that we would face? Instead, we're being infested through the southern border, flying thousands of possible infections in from Afghanistan along with who knows how many legitimate terrorists blended in due to all the hysteria in Kabul. And now AOC demanding at least 200,000 Afghani's be brought in. This isn't going away before 2024, they need it for the next two elections just as they did for the 2020 election.
I have no foil hat…..99.8% that that odds of surviving the “big bad sickness”. People need to get their head out of the sand shut off the TV take off the blinders and recognize it for what it is. This country is full of gullible idiots Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Guess here's my question, Biden while running for POTUS said he had a plan to cure everything. (He just needed to be elected to find out what it was) Well its been 8 months, wth is taking so long? If Trump had said that and got reelected we'd be having another bs impeachment trial by now. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Capitalism is already filling the void. There are already "no shot needed" headhunting sites popping up. Health insurance startups and co-ops will follow. Which I am all for, actually. You* don't want to take on my "risk" since I haven't gotten the shots? That's fine. I don't want to be in a pool with and paying for your fat donut eating-ass, either. Let's just go our separate ways. * not "You" as in Shocker99 you; I mean the generic "You")
given that we are already seeing the situation evolving to the point that something like 30-50% of C19 deaths in some areas are "fully vaxxed"; that dog won't hunt much longer.
True. However many of those surviving aren't 'back to normal'... This quantity probably isn't well tracked. But i'd swag it as maybe 5% possibly higher. These survivors number of those survivors include those with lung transplants, literally had main lines in their jugulars to externally oxygenate their blood... Some on O2 (like a COPD patient), perhaps to they die. Others, like a member on this forum found themselves out of breath / weakened. Others like my daughter have jacked up smell /taste (her word's 'I can't eat x, it tastes chemically'... My daughter now in year 2. Others speak of a very rough week or so of a bad cold. Yes, others with little more than a day or two of malaise or aches. I really was not fully convinced the vax would make you immune, but got vaxed to reduce severity of symptoms and the hope of some protection afforded to my family. This also informed my my sister (a doctor, and a DO at that) and my son (as a lowly CNA) accounts. Do your own leg work, make your own decisions. Live with your decisions. But if you are part of the tribe without 'your head up your ass', deciding to not get vaxed so be my opinion on medical matters you lose credibility: -Most hospitalizations, by a long shot, are un vaxed. This data is plentiful. -i estimate insurance premiums (life and health) to rise for all... My estimate easily 30% in the next few years. -I assume their will be boosters, not unlike the pneunavax or flu. -Drug companies (esp PFE and MRNA) will see some short term profit taking, but will continue to be great buys and make a sh*t ton of $ for the next few years.
Not sure of your source, but deaths are still well under half percent... Even half of those is a relative small (statistically significant though). I did hear an account of a survivor who was vaxed, but now on O2. What was interesting in her story, between vax and apparently infection, she had no antibodies present.
Why of course! Our taxes on camp are way higher than home with higher Sq, footage and more acres here at home. Why? Because camp is in an area of colleges and little farm lands and to far out for big industry. Guys down there have to drive 2 hrs every day to go to a job to the nearest big city. This doesn't stop those counties needs on infrastructure. County employees and their benefits. Schools for their taxes are all they have. Sales taxes can't be pushed higher in the age of computer shopping.
You are right on all of that. Here's my issue and I was vaxed, they are hiding those that had reactions to it. Like legs amputated. The long term effect of kids with heart issues. How they made the vaccine and whether it was designed purposely to be short term. My biggest concern ,sorry but this is HUMAN nature period, those in health care discriminating against those hospitalized and unvaxed. Yes I'm saying it, deliberate reduction in care and resources to unvaxed patients. Wack jobs are in all walks of life,angels of death have showed us that.
To all the NFL players that refused to get vaccinated because they don't want to put unapproved stuff in your body, the FDA has never approved tattoo ink either.
If that was @me, no just a long life of studying human nature. Life of watching historic situations unfold. A life of seeing " back page, small print retractions and footnotes" as it were.