You develop an allergic reaction to Fish, large bodies of water, trees, fields & deer. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
At least one of my kids is immuno compromised. One of my kids worked in the ICU for 2 years, prior to starting med school. My employer situation aside. Even if it reduced severity x% or gives me a lower chance of catching, my risk/reward decision was already made, I'm already a guinea pig.
Put the foil hat away. More likely, covid was a bio weapon. The vaccine conveniently based on a delivery system engineered for Sars not covid. The engineering was refused for covid. Genetic sequencing and heavy IT computing facilitated... Which is why the Germans engineered the vaccine, instead of the Chinese (the sino vax has been a flop).
My mother in law was in ICU and almost didn't make it. A friend of ours died from complication related to COVID. Both had major health issues prior. Both were over weight. I just cannot put something in my body that we don't know long term effects. I want to have children one day. Spanish Flu vaccine was linked to cardiac issues. Small percentage, yes. But, if I could prevent it....Ill try for sure. Until then wash the hands and continue on. With that being said, (I heard) a local company is charging their employees $50 more a pay for insurance if unvaccinated. (Maybe a month??) But, nonetheless, that is something I see becoming more common.
and at the other end of the Political scale ........... the difference between a smart/common sense repub. Gov. and a democrat Marxist Gov. .. Holcomb rules out statewide mask mandate, other COVID-19 restrictions
Very sorry to hear that! I know a few folks who also passed from C19 and associated complications. Most had pretty significant underlying health issues, however, not all of them did. I always chuckle at this one. While I understand the fear about taking a vaccine that hasn't been around long, it amuses me to think about all of the various things we put in our bodies that are detrimental to our health that we know about, yet choose to ignore. I've yet to see any evidence that the vaccines have any effect on fertility. That was over 100 years ago. I think it's safe to say our medical technology has come a long way since then. With all of that said - it doesn't bother me in the least if someone chooses not to get vaccinated. I believe in personal choice and taking responsibility for one's own health decisions. Vaxxed or not-vaxxed, I hate everyone equally.
Like you, Justin, I am the same way - it's personal belief and choices. You do you. I personally don't take any daily medications, don't drink nor smoke, avoid excessive caffeine, and try to only eat home grown meat, eggs, and veggies. (Just living off the land). We can only prevent what we try and do ourselves. We've all (I'd hope) have done research and not paid attention to solely media or social media. You can find very reputable websites that can go either way. Do what you feel is best.
Fwiw - Delta to raise health insurance costs for unvaccinated employees by $200 a month
Yep - a company local to me did the same. I have to renew our health insurance soon for my company - will be interesting to see what they say.
a reply to this, @PinkPony, and several other posters even on other threads: Build and support parallel systems. The Free Market will fill the void.
I'm a free market, nearly dyed in the wool capitalist... So yeah, typically, this could be a differentiator in the labor supply / demand... But... airlines being so union focused, which leans so heavily on tenure, it will be interesting to watch...could create more union/mgt angst, probably won't affect attrition much other than agents or maybe atendents...pilots and mechanics will be the areas to watch. However, I think we will see this cascade from all insurance companies with most corporations/companies/organizations simply passing premium hikes to employees /members.
He's no longer working ICU... Now in first year of PA/med school. However, even before the delta variant, he was a vocal proponent of folks getting the vax, as he literally watched many die in the ICU...