If the deer wear mask in Michigan then bubba with his pile of carrots, sitting 10ft up on a tree with the wind blowing directly over his pile of carrots. Won’t be able to use the excuse , “when shifted and he winded me” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But Bill Bur said, to Conan I mean they are famous they must be smarter than us, they are enlightened. They are like everyday people, but they know best because they have a "platform"
Or all sails down and float back. Has to be a SCOTUS case here, young men who volunteer their services to be held under contract finding out they are newly mandated to inject themselves to continue to volunteer their newly mandated services.... What did they voluntarily sign themselves up for? Serious question.
Here’s your friendly forum member that won’t shut up about natural immunity lol. I was exposed to “Delta” variant and my incubation period is up. I have no symptoms, feel great, and returned a negative test after close contact exposure at work. The other two unvaccinated got the virus and showed symptoms two days ago. These two got the virus from a vaccinated person actually that said it was a cold then tested positive after working. It seems my antibodies worked. “Knock on wood” I know I’m only one person but I’m tired of natural immunity being ignored. Reinfection has been said to be low, but still. Just proving a point to myself I guess. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I think that one of the biggest problems with acceptance is that the same people that tell us that mankind can change worldwide climate are telling us how to manage covid. You know like John Kerry who flew to Obama's birthday in his private jet, fighting climate change each second in the air, land and partied it up but did not spread covid because he is sophisticated?
Don't give a damn about immunity or impunity. Give me my choice. Not how my choice affects someone else's choice to be opposite of my choice. My choice is mine and their choice is theirs. Simplifies it pretty damn quick if you ask me.
It's always been that way with the military Brett. Do it or else, and there isn't anything you can do about it that doesn't effectively end your career. Some would say that they have no choice, but that's not true. There is always a choice. It's just a matter of whether or not you're willing to face the consequences of disobeying an order. In this case I'm sure there will be more than a few that do. Then the lawsuits will commence and it will just weaken our military forces. That's what I see happening anyway.
Yep. I understand that and my employer is getting dangerously close to mandating this as well. I heard a General speak the other day and he said he believed 15% of his command would resign or retire if forced to get the vaccine.
Starting to feel stupid about getting the shot as soon as I could, did it for business reasons and thought I would do what I could not to spread it to my daughter and grandson. The second shot cost me $350 in the ER (I have good insurance)