No, if I don't know much about them I look them up. Once I decide that their actions and or view points are idiotic, I discount them. Much like I did with several actors and sports figures. I will admit that sometimes ones political views makes that decision a lot easier for me.
hell, I'll answer it ... Yes, I sure do... its simple, anyone who supports/votes for a democrat socialist Marxit lefty and acts/ thinks like one gets a negative liking from me ... as the saying goes, Liberaliism IS a mental diorder ..
Bernie and his media following along with uninformed minions have put lipstick on the pig that is socialism, it is very un American. Fairly certain several socialist concepts are against the constitution.
I've heard of a discussion forum, but I'm not well versed in their proper etiquette, it seems. And while I'm far from a Bernie supporter, I do wish those who are so adamantly against him would take some time to learn his position on specific issues and focus on the reasons why they believe those positions are bad rather than just yelling "he's a socialist!" any time his name comes up. In my experience, those people usually have no idea what his exact beliefs on various topics are. Something about throwing the baby out with the bathwater comes to mind. Now if you'll excuse me, I must continue my basement cleanup after 2 inches of rain and a sump pump that died from the 'rona.
Good luck with all that. Make sure that you read all of Bernie's thoughts not just the recent ones. The $15 an hour minimum wage is a prime Bernie program, people are not going to feel all warm and fuzzy when they pay $10 for a Big Mac, Mc Donald's and every other fast food place is going to go drive thru only or kiosk. It is not a job creating program and it sure as hell will not motivate an minimum wage worker to improve themselves. $15 minimum is self inflicted inflation. If you don't want to work for a realistic minimum wage here is a tip do not reproduce until you have an education or a trade skill, that works for a lot of people.
Bernard "Bernie" Sanders, born September 8, 1941 (age 79), is a Marxist-Leninist, Communist, limousine liberal elitist, millionaire 1%er,[1] and demagogue who preys on naive and unsuspecting youth, minorities, and working people with class war hate speech. He currently serves as a United States Senator representing Vermont. His extremism is visible in his 2020 Presidential campaign slogan, "No Middle Ground."[2] Sanders is a pre-eminent leftwing Socialist mass murder denier and proponent of communist dictatorship.[3] Sanders has openly advocated for the extermination and genocide of infants from the Third World.[4][5][6] Sanders has long-time associations with Marxist, Communist, and Anti-American organizations.[7] He ran for office on the Vermont ballot as a supposed 'Independent', is the founder of the Communist-dominated Congressional Progressive Caucus, and caucuses with Democrats. He has been instrumental in the far-Left take over of the Democrat Party. He calls himself a Democratic Socialist, registered as a Democrat to run for the presidency in the 2016 elections, dropped out, re-registered again for the 2020 presidential election and dropped out again. He served in the House of Representatives for eight terms after serving several terms as mayor of Burlington. Sanders has a 100% pro-abortion voting record. Sanders has a child born out of wedlock. Murder the preborn: Fully fund Planned Parenthood, protect women’s availability to safe and legal abortion. health, and access to contraception. Protect those who promote sodomy, lesbianism, gender dysphoria, etc.: Pass the Equality Act under which faithful Christians will be persecuted for obeying God and conscience. Assault weapons: Regulate assault weapons in the same way that we currently regulate fully automatic weapons — a system that essentially makes them unlawful to own. Support “red flag” laws and legislation to ensure we keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and stalkers Free Pre-K and child care and public education (and indoctrination) for all. Guaranteed universal full-day, full-week pre-kindergarten education funded in full by the federal government for every child to regardless of income, starting at age 3. Make transformative investments in our public education system. Double the number of early childhood educators in this country to more than 2.6 million. Guarantee everyone working in the field of early education a living wage. Require anyone providing direct service to young children have at least child a Child Development Associates (CDA) credential, require all assistant teachers have at least an Associate’s Degree in early childhood education or child development, and require all lead preschool teachers have a Bachelor's degree in early childhood education or child development. End for-profit charter schools. Education spending: Invest $10 billion to create and expand HBCU (historically black colleges and universities) medical, dental, and teacher training graduate programs. Invest $5 billion in HBCU infrastructure grants and cancel all institutional HBCU loan debt from the Capital Financing Program. Double Title III and Title V funds to decrease the funding gap between HBCUs and MSIs and predominantly white institutions Set the starting salary for teachers at no less than $60,000. Spend $50 billion over the next decade to substantially expand access to summer and after-school programs, teen centers and tutoring. Provide year-round, free universal school meals. Ensure that the federal government provides at least 50 percent of the funding for special education. Rebuild, modernize, and green our nation’s schools. Provide funding for union training fund programs to help early care and learning professionals, with strong protections for unionizing, etc. regardless of immigration status. College for all: Guarantee tuition and debt-free public colleges, universities, HBCUs, Minority Serving Institutions and trade-schools for all. Cancel all student loan debt for the some 45 million Americans who owe about $1.6 trillion. Invest $5 billion in high-quality teacher preparation programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Minority Serving Institutions of higher education (MSIs), and Tribal Colleges. Housing for all: Invest $2.5 trillion to build nearly 10 million permanently affordable housing units. Investing $70 billion to repair, decarbonize, and build new public housing. Make Section 8 vouchers available to all eligible families. National rent control standard. Medicare for All: single-payer, national health insurance program to provide everyone in America with comprehensive health care coverage, free at the point of service, including home and community-based long-term care, in-patient and out-patient services, mental health and substance abuse treatment, reproductive and maternity care, prescription drugs, dental, hearing, vision, and home. And more. Jobs for all: Enact a federal jobs guarantee, to ensure that everyone is guaranteed a stable job that pays a living wage. Create 20 million jobs as part of the Green New Deal, and millions of healthcare jobs and new jobs in early childhood education. Worker Unionization: Eliminate “Right to Work for Less” laws. Double union membership within Bernie’s first term, including by allowing unionization of farm workers and domestic workers. Shift the wealth of the economy back into the hands of the workers who create it. make corporations pay their fair share of taxes by reversing Trump’s corporate tax breaks and closing corporate tax loopholes to raise up to $3 trillion over 10-years. High speed Internet for all: Provide $150 billion through the Green New Deal in infrastructure grants and technical assistance for municipalities and/or states to build publicly owned and democratically controlled, co-operative, or open access broadband networks. Debt cancellation: Eliminate all of the $81 billion in past-due medical debt held by 79 million Americans. Government banking business: Allow every post office to offer basic and affordable banking services. Social Security expansion: Expand Social Security benefits for all recipients. Quadruple funding for the Older Americans Act and expanding other programs seniors rely on. Veterans: End restrictions on access to care and benefits based on the nature of one's discharge. Green New Deal: provide $200 billion to the Green Climate Fund. Transform US energy system to 100 percent renewable energy. Invest weatherization, public transportation, modern infrastructure and high-speed broadband. Decriminalization: Cut the national prison population by 50%. Reversing the criminalization of addiction. Legalize marijuana and expung past convictions. Abolish the death penalty, three strikes laws, and mandatory minimum sentences. Guarantee a “Prisoners Bill of Rights.” Outlaw for-profit prisons and detention centers. Ban cash bail. Outlaw the use of facial recognition software for policing. Immigration: Institute a moratorium on deportations. Welcome refugees displaced by climate change. Break up ICE and CBP.. Feminism: Pass the Equal Rights Amendment. Elections:Guarantee the right to vote for every American over 18, including those Americans currently incarcerated and including felons
I guess I went to a different page when I googled Bernie. Lighten up Francis. I don't mean to belittle your passion but some of the verbiage tends to give the impression of a little extremism. Everybody is entitled to their take I get that but it can be the difference between your posts being ignored or just scanned instead of read because people don't take it seriously. Don't get me wrong I can't stand the America hating far left progressive politicians either.
Maybe they need a mask mandate imposed on them and social distancing measures imposed at all food and water sources. Might help with CwD as well.
Ive been there too many times. (Once is too many). Do yourself a favor when that catastrophe is over and run to the depot. Get yourself one of these or one like it. Takes a little plumbing but you will not regret it.
You know come to think of it if the deer has covid and you touch it's nose, mouth, face is it transferable? How long till the deer have the Delta?
biggest takedown of Covid-Nation, the NIH, WHO, and CDC I have ever seen. This doctor DESTROYS them all. Watch it while you can, I am sure it will be gone by tomorrow.
sorry to hear that, I am still dealing with fallout from the wife from same thing, happened in middle of my RutCation 2018.
Side note here, hope everyone up there in NE IL are fairing well this evening. Some destructive tornados occurring as I type. Stay safe and heed those warnings!
I've thought about getting one of those ever since I seen one on This Old House. I really need to get a battery back up regardless. My sump is plumbed with 2 sumps, but both electric and same outlet so a bit pointless in a power out situation.
Thanks for the share. Hopefully that doc and Rand Paul are OK by Friday. Sent from my SM-G781V using Forums mobile app