If only they would push those dates back the same way Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I like Bill Burr, and he's hilarious but he's also a complete hypocrite. The same guy that trashes wokesters and wokedom parrots those who are woke when it comes to blindly trusting the CDC and TV doctors. It's one thing to be ignorant on the subject and admit it, but another to then use his platform to tell people to trust the asshat "experts" who lie and flip flop on the subject every day.
Just found out they gave those who got the shot floor seat tickets. So that was the incentive apparently. Sent from my SM-G781V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Makes you wonder how many people already had the shot, and got it again for the tickets Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Merely a booster shot already being pushed for but given a moratorium by the CDC until September so other countries can have those 3rd shots for first and second. Every now and again Lamda variant pops up on CNN's headlines, think they're waiting until September to make that variant more prevalent as the reason you must get a booster shot if vaccinated and 3 shots if you are not.
Out of curiosity, do you discount the thoughts and opinions of all people who voted for a candidate other than yours?
He's also a comedian. Take everything he says with a grain of salt. I think that's a bit of a stretch. Getting vaccinated doesn't automatically make you woke. Does it? Oh God, does it?!?!!
First, I didn't ask you. But if you want to play along, then answer the question. If someone voted for Bernie, do you automatically discount every idea or opinion that person has?
First of all you are familure with the concept of a discussion forum? Second depends it they are hard core socialist yes I would discount their ideas and opinions, because socialism is not welcome in this country. Bernie who has never worked a day in his life has 2 homes and millions and is not even very good at being a socialist, he is a hypocrite.
no, and I am not saying he (or you) are woke, but there's a bit of his floating around on the interwebisphere where he says he and other celebs don't know what the hell they are talking about; he and all of us should just do whatever we're told to by the 'experts' on TV. I get it, it's part of a bit, and he's not wrong in saying we shouldn't listen to celebs or anyone else on the net regarding the Covids, but he goes from slamming wokesters to without irony propping up the same idols.
Yes, Bernie bros are like saddle hunting crossbow users, and should be publicly shamed and humiliated. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Google what is socialism, anybody want to get on board with that? Think about in America the harder you work to improve yourself the more you earn, the more you earn the more you can have of what you want. Socialism is exactly the opposite of that. Point out a few Gov't owned businesses that are successful. Would you trust Bernie Sanders to run your business, would you hire any socialist to run your company?