I knew it all along, my uncles and dad were right, it's totally more manly to shoot a 3" spiker than a big doe. Hell, shoot 3 while we're at it, that's like 3 times as manly. Party hunts are really a Party! Especially over a pile of sugar beets.
Choose Freedom - Stand with Rand. https://twitter.com/i/status/1424399282447298563 (guessing that this gets the twatter swat before COB today.)
We may disagree on things, but this is the only place I've been able to have disagreements and meaningful conversations with people without them devolving into pure chaos and getting shut down. It's the one benefit of arguing with people you know versus strangers. We tend to be a "little" bit more civil to one another.
to put a bow on my thoughts on C19 for today, I went to Lowes this weekend 3x (it's only 5 minutes away vs. HD and Menards which are at least 15 each.) The first time, it was like 715 Saturday, the parking lot was mostly empty. On my way in I caught that they had re- placed (not replaced) "Masks Required" signs on the doors. I scooted in, unmasked of course, and went straight to the aisle I needed. I passed by a few employees who were all masked up, and a few other early riser customers (mostly oldsters and a few pros working the weekend.) None of the pros had a mask on, and about 50/50 oldsters. I got what I needed and went to pay. None of the self-check lanes were open, and I rarely use them anyway as we get a Veteran's discount which has to be approved by an employee. Masked chick behind the counter puts on vinyl gloves as I walk up and is clearly not happy I am unmasked. I show her my veteran's dependappotomus card, then she acts like she doesn't know how to do the approval so goes over to another guy who I know has worked there for a long time and kind of nods my way and has about a 20-30 second back and forth conversation with him, which I sincerely doubt is about the discount. I hear "don't....issue...worth it." Finally, he comes over, scans the bar code for the discount and says "sorry about the wait" and then I pay with a card and leave, but not before I tell the chick that I didn't want her touching my receipt (again, she was gloved. I doubt the point was received.) Second and third times I went, unmasked, and the store was fairly busy and I would say about 50/50 split as to maskings, including a couple employees without them. On one of those trips, a 65-ish couple was ahead of me (unmasked) and the lady points at the sign and stops dead in her tracks. Her man, who was wearing a Navy Veteran hat, looks at her like she's got 2 heads and goes "Eff that" and just walked on in. Other than that, nobody said anything about it that I could hear on those 2 trips. Just thought the entire scenario was interesting...
Will be interesting it is Upsala Heritage day Saturday, big community festival with a parade. I am willing to wager I will not see a single mask. This is not a joke there is a street dance Saturday night, the name of the band.....Pandemic.
Thirsday evening marks the start of the state fair here, haven't been in about 13 years. Almost did a couple years ago, was going to go see Megadeth, but Dave Mustaine was diagnosed with throat cancer and cancelled all tours. I'm more worried about the one way traffic always messing up my drive home from worl than Covid/Delta.
It's not Michigan's two buck system, Arkansas has a two buck system and there are P & Y deer killed all over the state each year. Last couple of years there have been a couple of 200+ bucks. You Michiganders' need to learn some trigger control.
To add to the "happened to me" thoughts here. Went to see Garth (humble brag) Saturday at Arrowhead Stadium with 75,000 other people that day. The "rule" was anyone indoors had to mask up, outdoors was recommended regardless of jab status. I would guess about half of the people on the club level did not have on a mask indoors. I did see staff remind one person (out of all the others not masked) to mask up and when the guy walked past the staffer, he took it right back off. Every single "news article" we found about the concert was about Covid the next day. Not sure if they are reporting on if there was an uptick in cases bc of the concert yet. Amazingly enough, we are still healthy and fine. People that wanted to wear masks, wore them and the others are taking their chances I guess. Oh and they had a jab booth set up and the last numbers I saw was 15 people took the jab that day. Just thought it was funny that 15 people went to a concert and thought it would be a good time to get a shot. Crazy world we are in.
But, but its the hunters from WI, IL, IN and OH that can't control their trigger finger. Got to bring home a deer or the wife won't let them hunt out of state anymore.
About 20 years ago I killed my one and only WI buck with a gun. My grandpa was still alive at the time and he told me "Shoot the first legal buck you see. It may be the only one you get a crack at this week." 2 hours later I put a slug through the throat of a 3 pointer. PS - how did our C19 thread turn into a deer hunting thread?
I know the UP has a decent amount of out-of-staters but downstate? I guess I could look up the numbers but there's not that many of us dumb enough that will pay $280 for a near-guaranteed chance to shoot at 2 forkhorns and nearly get shot in the process. We are a special breed.
it's getting better, but as I have said more than a few times on this forum I sincerely doubt there is any other state with as much of a brown/down mentality than Michigan. Even now, it's considered "holding out" to wait on a 2.5 y/o 6-8 point. I have on more than one occasion gotten good video of a 80" class buck within shooting range, showed it to Michigan family and have the older guys say "why didn't you shoot him, he's a dandy" or something similar. These same guys think it's a matter of dishonor to shoot a doe. I am not kidding, if a forkie followed a big nanny in, they would choose to shoot the forkie every time over the doe; and worse, advise a young hunter to do the same.