Waterfront def cost more here in IL too. Our prop taxes are stupid high. Especially Madison County where im at. We pay over $30 per $1000 of value. I swear tou have to be a moron to live here. Anyway this thread is about whos gonna get the virus first and im politically venting.
Where do thoughts come from Sota I am just messing with you. I am getting pretty busy here getting ready for my son and me to hunt. I now even have a target buck for myself. I have named him Sota- Buck in honor of you. Here is the buck I named dnoodles, the most messed up one I have seen so far dnoodles is the one in the back. That little buck will call Bob in front
I'm glad someone else replied eventually. When I was a Newb on here it was like I was cursed. A thread could be active, I would post and everyone would just stop posting. It was like everyone said "Alright, he's here. Shut it down." I was thinking I'd shut this thread down just by posting. Then again, given the nature of this thread, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea. To my way of thinking, and it's just MY way of thinking, it's a shame that these political threads are even tolerated on here. Everyone on here obviously shares a common interest or passion. I like to think that it's possible for people with differing beliefs, views and opinions to find common ground when it comes to the outdoors. This isn't a moderator talking. It's just me. I was a member of the forums on Huntingnetwork before BH.Com started. That's where most of us came from originally. Isn't there enough division in the world now without hunters fighting against each other here on the forums? I've known @early in, @trial153 , @Okiebob, @Germ and others for years and they are my friends. They have been for years and for my part they always will be. I knew them way before this political BS raised its ugly head in the forums. Hell, I even remember when Germ used to hunt. Okay, so we don't see eye to eye. So what? Whatever happened to the time when we could be friends and be civil towards one another even if we had differing opinions or beliefs? When did it become a requirement to attack someone you disagree with? Ah, well. It seems that lately, if it weren't for the "Watercooler" political threads these forums would practically die out during the off season. I sure miss the days when politics weren't in the mix. Back in the old days we relied on the legendary @atlasman vs GMMAT debates to keep us entertained. It never ceases to amaze me how the topics of politics and religion can turn friends against each other. We all have so much in common. Why in the world do we have to seek out our differences and fight about them? It's really sad. I know nothing I say is going to change the way anyone thinks. These are just my thoughts. Take them with a grain of salt, disregard them entirely or just think to yourself "Eff him". I'm good either way you go folks. Oh, by the way,.... the contest sign up thread is still open.
Have you not seen sota buck? I am fletching my hunting arrows right now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I know you still hunt Gary. Just taking a jab because you haven't been in the contest for a LONG time. I don't even remember the last time you posted outside the Watercooler.
I've got enough alcohol in me to delve back into this thread..... I'm against any new tax, and I repeat any new tax. Don't care what it is for or which party introduces it, whole heartedly and steadfastly oppose it. Period. Want me to support a new tax? It's simple enough, spend the current money I am being taxed for and paying on what it is supposed to fund. Don't send hundreds of billions of dollars over seas that was funded to support healthcare and infrastucture only to later say we need a new infrastucture and healthcare tax because the current funding is not enough. Don't tax me for how much I drive each year while not taxing yourselves for cross country private jet trips to get to your next campaign event or congressional session. All of my driving is done on state, county and city roadways. Only during deer season do I hit a federal highway and I can change that with a 10 minute alternate route. Next up state and local mileage useage taxes so triple up that amount. Once the conflicts start there lets make it mandatory for GPS devices to be installed on every vehicle to differentiate roadways traveled. When my(every tax paying citizen) tax dollars are spent according to how they were passed to fund, and that is determined not enough, I may support a new tax of some sort, but it must address only the underfunded portion of the tax no longer getting enough revenue and have an effect on every citizen equally.
Oh, and good thing there's NBC to set the record straight... Let's see, 18% of (rounding down) 1.8 million. That's only 325k more C19+ aliens running around the streets of the USA than 8 months ago.
Yes and no. My conspiracy theory uncles believe the Michigan DNR is transporting deer from Metro Parks in Michigan to farmland areas. That's why we have all these little and messed-up bucks.
I'm all for a VAT on Google, Amazon and the long list of others not paying their fair share by exploiting loopholes. However, no matter who is in control of the government, whether it be the GOP or Democrats, they are only good at one thing, spending our money and they've rarely been accused of spending it wisely.
Not sure VAT will help as much on the MAAGs, as a flat corp tax (no deductions) may. But as Clint pointed out, Govt needs to stop spending on stupid ****.
I think social media makes a person believe their opinion is worth something. Its not. Admittedly, I've been guilty of it but I'm also trying to understand others have had different experiences that shaped them. The funny thing is that I believe one should keep their religious beliefs close their heart like a secret, some wise dude said that once. Politics shouldn't be any different. I enjoy this forum and have since I migrated here from the site whose name we don't say... What brought me here was truly the show, bunch of guys on the the level enjoying bowhunting and not a thirty minute infomercial on the same lame product like some tired old deer piss. The forum was just a bonus and full of some really great people, even the ones I disagree with politically. Imagine that. But I do owe those guys a thanks, I'm a salesman and I use that rhetoric they post to absolutely sell tf out of roofs to those who do not share my political opinion.
that's not necessarily true, at least in this whacked out state. I live in SW Cook, appx 15 miles to the city edge, and my property taxes are "only" about 2%. But when I lived in Central Will Co, appx 35 from the city, I was paying appx. 3.5%, and I know people out in Kane 50-60 miles from the city who are paying closer to 4%. These are all on houses that (before this nutzo year) would have listed/sold between 330-350k. The GD schools out there look like something out of Star Fleet; but they pay for it.
man if that's true it explains how MI has better habitat than WI or even Iowa yet produces bucks more along the lines of Rhode Island (sorry @swampstalker) Your uncle and I should hang out. He's not the creepy one that has a white van and can't get within a 100yards of schools, is he?
mostly true, but it was another forum several years ago where I engaged in a good back and forth with someone who showed me the ultimate hypocrisy and fallacy of me being personally pro-life but politically a pro-choice Libertarian. That's had a pretty profound impact on me. Also, the exchange of ideas on a public forum, in person or via keyboard, has taken the place of the public square. It's really the last place we can do that. Lastly, most of those of us on here who get into back-and-forths over non-hunting stuff could all sit down and have a beer and BS about deer, life, and politics and be fine. In fact, we seek each other out both here and in real life to do so because we all think we are pretty interesting people to chat with. Where did we come up with that concept? Here, complaining and/or making observations on the absurdity that is our lives these days.
Yep, you're from Michigan It has nothing to do with 50+ years of shooting the first scrub buck that comes along, or Michigan two-tag system Bucks, or Michigan has its gun season in Prime of the rut. It's the DNR secretly transporting deer from metro parks