Why do you always say that, do you not understand the process? You post stupid stuff, or as I presume internationally stir the pot for any attention you can get. You are not in anyones head. In fact lots of people ignore you and or take everything you say with a grain of dumbass.
I think you are confused Germ, you are not in my head but you are in my thoughts, I worry about you because of your weight covid would hit you harder and being that you are in a risk group I am concerned for you.
I don’t see how anyone in their right mind would support this. Let’s see if I’ve got this straight: Taxes are withheld from our income. We pay sales tax on a vehicle. Then we pay registration/licensing fees every year. Then most (or at least some) pay property tax on said vehicle every year. Then we pay tax out the wazoo on the fuel required to drive. Now they want to tax how far we drive? Someone explain to me how this isn’t absolutely asinine.
I understand what youre saying. The big IF was the magic word. They wont reduce anything. Im also a fan of no income tax just straight sales tax. Make your money and bathe in it but when you want something materially then its time to pay. Then those who want to dodge the system and work for cash and put the whole load on us on the payroll wont be able to get around it. Although on the other hand i do like the barrier that exists there. Cash and private trade of services can also have its perks. I would also hate to see the little kid who cuts grass for cash have to pay $20 for a candy bar. Now I do definitely support a flat tax on income. The whole idea of the mileage tax does seem fair in a way from a logical standpoint, those that use the most pay the most. Heavy trucks and weights that do the most damage should foot more of the bill. But again, nothing with these fools will be fair.
Bro, you missed the part where I said offset (reduced) from other revenue streams; ie income tax. In other words, I only support it in a situation that the Powers The Be would not likely ever go along with. If I ruled the world there would be -0- tax on any income, only consumption/use/sales. ^^^ this.
I can't agree with this statement. Looking at it from that perspective, city dwellers will have it made but people who have long commutes to work in the city or people that live in rural areas that have a long drive to the nearest town to get to work will get the shaft. Those that have to drive the most are already paying the most in fuel taxes. That's the whole idea behind this add-on from Buttigieg & company. He's a huge proponent of using mass transit instead of individual vehicles in an effort to "save the planet". I've got some news for the bonehead: There are no mass transit systems here in rural America. Do you think they'll take that into consideration? I doubt it. Democrats in Congress aren't known for using common sense when it comes to spending the money of others.
The first sentence in my post wasn't aimed at you brother. I understand what you're saying. My comment was more of a knee-jerk reaction to what I consider extreme idiocy in our current leadership. Still, even if they did "offset it" from another revenue source, it would still screw rural America over.
I see both sides. But those that live further out also get a break in property tax. Not to mix state and fed but I live 20 mi from ST. Louis and if i moved another 20 mi out id probably pay a third less, another 20 out id pay half. Here in illinois anyway. But i hear our great criminal of a governor prickster wants a flat rate across the state. That would be devastating to the poor folk in southern Illinois.
There are no lesser taxes in Minnesota, but I will say I pay $100 more a year where I live now vs at the ranch that was only 25 miles from work.
Well, crap. After that last incident when it was suggested that I should remain neutral I told myself I would stay out of political discussions. Here I go again diving in head first without thinking. Carry on, gentlemen.
Chief don't fret if someone can't see that you have a level headed thought process, you would have to be super triggered to take offense at your comments.
I'm sure what I said didn't offend anyone I was talking to. I certainly hope it didn't anyway. My last comment was simply addressing the fact that I do my best to stay out of political discussions, that I messed up and jumped in one and now I'm out.
Right, but they would pay a city tax or train ticket tax or whatever tax to have and use their stupid crowded smelly dangerous choo-choo trains; that we as rural/suburban folk would not have to pay for - until if/when we use them. I still think of myself as a rural/suburban guy both at heart and reality as probably 75% of my driving is interstate and probably 50% of it is tollroads. City folk don't use the highways as much, so we can pay more for them. There's no perfect system; I am just a big believer in consumption taxes vs. income taxes.
I know there are certain municipalities around me that laud the high taxes. In honesty its the only thing that keeps the rif-raf out. I live in one. Get whatcha pay for
I can't disagree with what you said, but I will say this one last thing: Regarding your next to the last sentence, those that do the most driving are supposedly already paying the most for the upkeep of the highway system in the form of Federal Fuel Tax. I believe it's up to almost 19 cents per gallon for gas and almost 25 cents per gallon on diesel. That is a crapload of money that is supposed to be used for the upkeep of our highway system.
In the county I pay extra to be on the water, Guy down the road on the other side of the road off the lake pays $500 less then me on a comparable priced property.